Región Saint Croix
Descubre las ciudades y lugares interesantes en la región que te cautivarán con su rica historia, patrimonio cultural o entorno pintoresco.
Lugares y atracciones turísticas que debes visitar
Fort Frederik
Christiansted National Historic Site Christiansted
Hams Bluff Light Frederiksted
Sandy Point National Wildlife Refuge Saint Croix
Friedensfeld Midlands Moravian Church and Manse Saint Croix
Salt River Bay National Historical Park and Ecological Preserve Christiansted
Danish West India and Guinea Company Warehouse Christiansted
Whim Saint Croix
St. George Village Botanical Garden Frederiksted
Frederiksted Historic District Frederiksted
Christiansted Historic District Christiansted
St. John's Episcopal Church Christiansted
Protestant Cay Christiansted
Cruzan Rum Frederiksted
Point Udall Christiansted
Estate Little Princess Christiansted
Estate Butler's Bay Frederiksted
Frederiksted Pier Frederiksted
Estate La Reine Saint Croix
Coakley Bay Estate Christiansted