Trek Zone

Phare de Newburyport, Plum Island

N° 1 parmi les attractions de Plum Island

Phare, Top attraction
Phare de Newburyport location map

Faits et informations pratiques

Coordonnées: 42°48'54"N, 70°49'8"W

Plum IslandPlum Island États-Unis

+1 978-465-0238
Médias sociaux
Excursions d'une journée

Phare de Newburyport – populaire dans la région (distance de cette attraction)

À proximité, vous trouverez notamment des attractions telles que : Cushing House Museum and Garden, First Religious Society Church and Parish Hall, First Presbyterian Church, Phare avant de Newburyport.

  • cushing house museum and garden newburyport2.7 miW
  • first religious society church and parish hall newburyport2.7 miW
  • first presbyterian church newburyport2.4 miW
  • phare avant de newburyport2.3 miW
  • coffin house newbury2.5 miSW
  • phare arriere de newburyport2.4 miW
  • custom house maritime museum newburyport2.5 miW
  • annunciation greek orthodox church newburyport location map
    2.7 miW
  • brown square newburyport2.8 miW
  • newburyport public library3 miW
  • united states customhouse newburyport2.6 miW

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