Trek Zone

Northwest Bakersfield, Bakersfield

N° 48 parmi les attractions de Bakersfield

Northwest Bakersfield location map

Faits et informations pratiques

Superficie: 28.14 mi²Coordonnées: 35°24'0"N, 119°6'14"W

Northwest Bakersfield (San Trope)Bakersfield États-Unis

Médias sociaux
Excursions d'une journée

Northwest Bakersfield – populaire dans la région (distance de cette attraction)

À proximité, vous trouverez notamment des attractions telles que : Kern County Museum, The Links at Riverlakes Ranch, Fox Theater, Buck Owens' Crystal Palace.

  • kern county museum bakersfield4.8 miE
  • the links at riverlakes ranch bakersfield0.4 miN
  • fox theater bakersfield4.9 miE
  • buck owens crystal palace bakersfield3.6 miE
  • the park at river walk bakersfield location map
    3.6 miS
  • beach park bakersfield location map
    3.9 miE
  • unity church of bakersfield4.8 miE
  • beale memorial clock tower bakersfield4.8 miE
  • jastro park bakersfield location map
    4.3 miSE
  • patriots park bakersfield location map
    4.8 miSE
  • kern river parkway bakersfield location map
    3.5 miE

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