Bibliography of the United States Virgin Islands, Wyspa Saint Thomas

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To jest angielskojęzyczna bibliografia dotycząca Wysp Dziewiczych Stanów Zjednoczonych i ich geografii, historii, mieszkańców, kultury, fauny i flory itp.
Acevedo-Rodriguez, Pedro - Flora Wysp Dziewiczych St. John U. S. Virgin Islands. Acevedo Rodriguez, Pedro - Vines and Climbing Plants of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Acevedo-Rodriguez, Pedro and Mark T. Strong - Monocotyledons and gymnosperms of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Ackerman, James D. - An Orchid Flora of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Alexander, Robert J. - Political Parties of the Americas, Canada, Latin America, and the West Indies, 2 vols: Anguilla - Grenada i Gwadelupa - Wyspy Dziewicze Stanów Zjednoczonych. Armstrong, Douglas V. - Creole Transformation from Slavery to Freedom: Historical Archaeology of the East End Community, St. John, Virgin Islands. Beaty, Harry A. - Birds of St. Croix. Boyer, William W. - America's Virgin Islands: A History of Human Rights and Wrongs. Chipman, Walter A. i Paul E. Thompson - Possibilities for Oyster Culture in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Cochran, Hamilton - To są Wyspy Dziewicze. Cohen, Judah M. - Through the Sands of Time: A History of the Jewish Community of St. Thomas, U. S. Virgin Islands. Colon, Julio C. Figueroa - The Scientific Survey of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands: An Eighty-Year Reassessment of the Islands' Natural History". Comstock, William Phillips - Insects of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands Lepidoptera Rhopalocera, Papillonoidea, Hesperioidea. Scientific Survey of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands, Tom XII, Część 4. Crocker, John - Bermudy, Bahamy, Puerto Rico i Wyspy Dziewicze. Danforth, Stuart T. - Bird Records from the Virgin Islands. Debooy, Theodore i John T. Faris - The Virgin Islands: Nasze nowe posiadłości i Wyspy Brytyjskie. Eadie, Hazel Ballance - Lagooned in the Virgin Islands. Evans, Luther H. v The Virgin Islands. Evans, Luther Harris - The Virgin Islands: From Naval Base to New Deal. Gabel, Erik - A Guide to Sources for the History of the Danish West Indies, 1671-1917. Harrigan, Norwell - The Inter-Virgin Islands Conference: A Study of a Microstate International Organization. Henry, Marguerite - Wyspy Dziewicze: In Story and Pictures, książka obrazkowa dla dzieci, ilustrowana przez Kurta Wiese. Hibben, Thomas i Rafael Pico - Industrial Development of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands of the United States: Report of the United States Section, Caribbean Commission, lipiec 1948. Highfield, Arnold R. - The French Dialect of St. Thomas, U. S. Virgin Islands: A Descriptive Grammar with Texts and Glossary. Hurwitz, Emanuel, Julius Menacker, and Ward Weldon - Educational Imperialism: American School Policy and the U. S. Virgin Islands. Jensen, Niklas Thode; Simonsen, Gunvor. "Introduction: The historiography of slavery in the Danish-Norwegian West Indies, c. 1950-2016". Scandinavian Journal of History. 41 : 475–494. doi:10.1080/03468755.2016.1210880. Jarvis, J. Antonio - Brief History of the Virgin Islands. Jarvis, J. Antonio - The Virgin Islands and Their People. Leopold, N. F. - Checklist of Birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Lewis, Gordon K. - The Virgin Islands: A Caribbean Lilliput. Little, Elbert L. Jr. i Frank H. Wadsworth - Common Trees of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Little, E. L. Jr. R. O. Woodbury i F. H. Wadsworth - Drzewa Puerto Rico i Wysp Dziewiczych. Little, Elbert L. Jr. Roy O. Woodbury, and Frank H. Wadsworth - Trees of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, Volume 2. McGuire, J. W. - Geographic Dictionary of the Virgin Islands of the United States. Meyerhoff, H. A. - The Physiography of the Virgin Islands, Culebra and Vieques. Miskimen, George W. i Richard M. Bond - Insect Fauna of St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands. Nicholls, Robert W. - Old-Time Masquerading in the US Virgin Islands. Paiewonsky, Michael - Conquest of Eden, 1493-1515: Other Voyages of Columbus: Gwadelupa, Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, Wyspy Dziewicze. Proctor, George R. - Ferns of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Raffaele, Herbert A. - A Field Guide to the Birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Raffaele, Herbert A. - A Guide to the Birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Reck, Daisy - Puerto Rico i Wyspy Dziewicze. Savage, Ernest A. - The Libraries of Bermuda, the Bahamas, the British West Indies, British Guiana, British Honduras, Puerto Rico, and the American Virgin Islands: A Report to the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Stevenson, John A. - Fungi of Puerto Rico and the American Virgin Islands. Svensson, Ole - Three Towns: Three Towns: Conservation and Renewal of Charlotte Amalia, Christiansted, and Frederiksted of the U.S. Virgin Islands. Weinstein, Edwin A. - Cultural Aspects of Delusion: A Psychiatric Study of the Virgin Islands". Wetmore, Alexander - Scientific Survey of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Vol. IX Part 3: The Birds of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands: Colymbiformes to Columbiformes. Wetmore, Alexander - Scientific Survey of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Vol. IX Part 4: Psittaciformes to Passeriformes. Zabriskie, Luther K. - The Virgin Islands of the United States of America.
Wyspa Saint Thomas
Bibliography of the United States Virgin Islands – popularne w okolicy (odległości od atrakcji)
W pobliżu znajdują się takie atrakcje jak Plantation Crown and Hawk Botanical Garden, Crown Mountain, University of the Virgin Islands, Sports and Fitness Center.