Mit oder ohne Visum?
Reisepass: Vereinigte Staaten
Auf der Karte mit den Visabeschränkungen können Sie sehen, welche Länder Sie ohne Touristenvisum besuchen können und wo ein Visum erforderlich ist. Karte zeigt Daten für Inhaber von Pässen aus Vereinigte Staaten.
Sehen Sie sich auch die Rangliste der Reisepässe an und finden Sie heraus, welcher Pass der beste der Welt für Reisende ist und die größte Freiheit für visumfreies Reisen bietet.
Karte der Visabeschränkungen
- Afghanistan
- Ägypten
- Albanien
- Algerien
- Amerikanische Jungferninseln
- Andorra
- Angola
- Anguilla
- Antigua und Barbuda
- Äquatorialguinea
- Argentinien
- Armenien
- Aserbaidschan
- Äthiopien
- Australien
- Bahamas
- Bahrain
- Bangladesch
- Barbados
- Belgien
- Belize
- Benin
- Bermuda
- Bhutan
- Bolivien
- Bosnien und Herzegowina
- Botswana
- Brasilien
- Britische Jungferninseln
- Brunei
- Bulgarien
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- Chile
- China
- Costa Rica
- Dänemark
- Demokratische Republik Kongo
- Deutschland
- Dominica
- Dominikanische Republik
- Dschibuti
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Elfenbeinküste
- Eritrea
- Estland
- Eswatini
- Fidschi
- Finnland
- Föderierte Staaten von Mikronesien
- Frankreich
- Gabun
- Gambia
- Georgien
- Ghana
- Gibraltar
- Grenada
- Griechenland
- Großbritannien
- Guam
- Guatemala
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- Guyana
- Haiti
- Heiliger Stuhl
- Honduras
- Indien
- Indonesien
- Irak
- Iran
- Irland
- Island
- Israel
- Italien
- Jamaika
- Japan
- Jemen
- Jordanien
- Kaimaninseln
- Kambodscha
- Kamerun
- Kanada
- Kap Verde
- Kasachstan
- Katar
- Kenia
- Kirgisistan
- Kiribati
- Kolumbien
- Komoren
- Kosovo
- Kuba
- Kuwait
- Laos
- Lesotho
- Lettland
- Libanon
- Liberia
- Libyen
- Liechtenstein
- Litauen
- Luxemburg
- Madagaskar
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Malediven
- Mali
- Malta
- Marokko
- Marshallinseln
- Mauretanien
- Mauritius
- Mexiko
- Monaco
- Mongolei
- Montenegro
- Montserrat
- Mosambik
- Myanmar
- Namibia
- Nauru
- Nepal
- Neuseeland
- Nicaragua
- Niederlande
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Nordkorea
- Nordmazedonien
- Norwegen
- Oman
- Österreich
- Osttimor
- Pakistan
- Palau
- Panama
- Papua-Neuguinea
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Philippinen
- Pitcairninseln
- Polen
- Portugal
- Puerto Rico
- Republik Kongo
- Republik Moldau
- Ruanda
- Rumänien
- Russland
- Salomonen
- Sambia
- Samoa
- San Marino
- São Tomé und Príncipe
- Saudi-Arabien
- Schweden
- Schweiz
- Senegal
- Serbien
- Seychellen
- Sierra Leone
- Simbabwe
- Singapur
- Slowakei
- Slowenien
- Somalia
- Spanien
- Sri Lanka
- St. Helena
- St. Kitts und Nevis
- St. Lucia
- St. Vincent und die Grenadinen
- Südafrika
- Sudan
- Südkorea
- Südsudan
- Suriname
- Syrien
- Tadschikistan
- Taiwan
- Tansania
- Thailand
- Togo
- Tonga
- Trinidad und Tobago
- Tschad
- Tschechien
- Tunesien
- Türkei
- Turkmenistan
- Turks- und Caicosinseln
- Tuvalu
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- Ungarn
- Uruguay
- Usbekistan
- Vanuatu
- Venezuela
- Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
- Vereinigte Staaten
- Vietnam
- Weißrussland
- Zentralafrikanische Republik
- Zypern
Globale Rangliste der Länder nach Reisefreiheit, die die visafreien Reisemöglichkeiten für Passinhaber aus verschiedenen Ländern der Welt zeigt.
Tabelle der Visum- und Passanforderungen
Zusammenfassung für Inhaber von Reisepässen aus Vereinigte Staaten
- Alle
- Europa
- Afrika
- Naher Osten
- Asien
- Australien-Ozeanien
- Nordamerika
- Karibik
- Südamerika
Land | Status | Zusätzliche Informationen (Englisch) |
Albanien | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 360 days |
Andorra | Keine Daten | |
Österreich | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area Residence permit for stays of longer than 90 days obtainable after arrival under certain conditions. |
Weißrussland | Visum erforderlich | Registration upon arrival for stays longer than 5 days is mandatory. No transit without a visa under any circumstance. |
Belgien | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area Residence permit obtainable after arrival for stays longer than 90 days under certain conditions. |
Bosnien und Herzegowina | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 6-month period Registration with the local police within 24 hours of arrival is mandatory. |
Bulgarien | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period |
Kroatien | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area |
Zypern | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period |
Tschechien | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area |
Dänemark | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days U.S. citizens can enter Denmark for up to 3 months every six months, regardless of whether they have stayed in other Schengen countries prior to entry into Denmark. |
Estland | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area |
Färöer | Keine Daten | |
Finnland | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area |
Frankreich | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area A bilateral agreement pre-dating the Schengen area may allow 90 days of stay in France regardless of days spent in other Schengen countries. |
Deutschland | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area Residence permit for stays of longer than 90 days obtainable after arrival under certain conditions. |
Gibraltar | Keine Daten | |
Griechenland | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area |
Heiliger Stuhl | Visa nicht erforderlich | |
Ungarn | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area |
Island | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area |
Irland | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 3 months Strict application of immigration rules regarding providing proof of the trip purpose, sufficient funds, return ticket and accommodation. Residence permit for stays of longer than 90 days obtainable after arrival under certain conditions. |
Italien | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area A bilateral agreement pre-dating the Schengen area may allow 90 days of stay in Italy regardless of days spent in other Schengen countries. |
Kosovo | Keine Daten | |
Lettland | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 180 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area A bilateral agreement pre-dating the Schengen area allows an additional 90 days of stay in Latvia regardless of days spent in other Schengen countries. |
Liechtenstein | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area |
Litauen | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area. Mandatory medical insurance. |
Luxemburg | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area |
Nordmazedonien | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days Registration with the local police within 24 hours of arrival is mandatory |
Malta | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area |
Republik Moldau | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period Registration upon arrival is mandatory. |
Monaco | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period |
Montenegro | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days Registration with the local police within 24 hours of arrival is mandatory. |
Niederlande | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area Residence permit for stays of longer than 90 days obtainable after arrival under certain conditions. |
Norwegen | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 3 months within a 6-month period, regardless of previous time spent in other Schengen countries, but including time spent in other Nordic countries. |
Polen | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area. Dual nationals must use their Polish passport. A bilateral agreement pre-dating the Schengen area allows a stay in Poland regardless of days spent in other Schengen countries. |
Portugal | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area |
Rumänien | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period. |
San Marino | Visa nicht erforderlich | |
Serbien | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period |
Slowakei | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area. Medical insurance required. Sufficient funds of $50 per person per day required. Registration within 3 working days required. |
Slowenien | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area. Registration with the local police required within 72 hours of arrival. |
Spanien | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area. |
Schweden | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area. |
Schweiz | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period in the Schengen Area. |
Ukraine | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any 180-day period |
Großbritannien | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 6 months Up to 90 days if arriving from Ireland |
Algerien | Visum erforderlich | Persons may be denied entry if entering with a passport containing visas or stamps issued by Israel. |
Angola | Elektronisches Visum / Online-Visum (e-visum) | Allowed stay: 30 days 30 days extendable once. Visitors who have been granted an online pre-visa or have requested a pre-visa from an Angolan consulate abroad are issued a visa upon arrival at the country's border crossings. Maximum total stay of 90 days within a one-year period. Visitors must have a return/onward ticket and a hotel reservation confirmation. International Certificate of Vaccination required. |
Benin | Elektronisches Visum / Online-Visum (e-visum) | Allowed stay: 30 days International Certificate of Vaccination required. eVisas are available for 30 or 90 days |
Botswana | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days within any one-year period |
Burkina Faso | Visum an der Grenze | Allowed stay: 1 month International Certificate of Vaccination required. |
Burundi | Visum an der Grenze | Allowed stay: 1 month From December 2021, passengers of all countries that required visa, can now obtain visa on arrival at Bujumbura International Airport, and all land borders. |
Kamerun | Visum erforderlich | International Certificate of Vaccination and current immunization records required. |
Kap Verde | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 30 days Must register online at least five days prior to arrival. |
Zentralafrikanische Republik | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 180 days International Certificate of Vaccination required. |
Tschad | Visum erforderlich | International Certificate of Vaccination required. Registration within 72 hours is mandatory prior to arrival. Registration is good for the life of the passport. |
Komoren | Visum an der Grenze | |
Demokratische Republik Kongo | Elektronisches Visum / Online-Visum (e-visum) | Allowed stay: 7 days International Certificate of Vaccination required. Registration required. Visas must be issued at the DR Congo embassy in Washington, D.C. |
Dschibuti | Elektronisches Visum / Online-Visum (e-visum) | Allowed stay: 31 days |
Ägypten | Visum an der Grenze (e-visum auch verfügbar) | Allowed stay: 30 days eVisa issued for 30 days. Visa-free travel for tourists arriving at Sharm El Sheikh, St. Catherine, or Taba airports and remaining in the Sinai resorts up to 15 days. |
Äquatorialguinea | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days International Certificate of Vaccination required if you are traveling from a country with risk of yellow fever. |
Eritrea | Visum erforderlich | Airport departure tax applies. |
Äthiopien | Elektronisches Visum / Online-Visum (e-visum) | Allowed stay: up to 90 days Visitors are fingerprinted Visa on arrival is obtainable only at Addis Ababa Bole International Airport. eVisa holders must arrive via Addis Ababa Bole International Airport. eVisas are available for 30 or 90 days. |
Gabun | Elektronisches Visum / Online-Visum (e-visum) | Allowed stay: 6 months eVisas are available for one to six months. Electronic visa holders must arrive via Libreville International Airport. International Certificate of Vaccination required. |
Gambia | Visum an der Grenze | International Certificate of Vaccination required. |
Ghana | Visum erforderlich | International Certificate of Vaccination required. An application for a visa into Ghana within 30 days before the intended date of departure is mandatory. |
Guinea | Elektronisches Visum / Online-Visum (e-visum) | Allowed stay: up to 5 years International Certificate of Vaccination required. |
Guinea-Bissau | Visum an der Grenze (e-visum auch verfügbar) | Allowed stay: 90 days Visitors must apply for a visa on arrival in advance or online. |
Elfenbeinküste | Elektronisches Visum / Online-Visum (e-visum) | Allowed stay: 3 months eVisa holders must arrive via Port Bouet Airport International Certificate of Vaccination required |
Kenia | Elektronisches Visum / Online-Visum (e-visum) | Allowed stay: 3 months International Certificate of Vaccination is recommended. All visitors are fingerprinted on arrival and departure |
Lesotho | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 14 days Extendable up to 180 days. |
Liberia | Visum erforderlich | International Certificate of Vaccination required. |
Libyen | Visum erforderlich | Visitors travelling to Libya for touristic purposes are required to convert US$1,000 or equivalent on arrival. Holders of passports bearing an Israeli visa or entry/exit stamps from Israel are not allowed to enter Libya. |
Madagaskar | Visum an der Grenze (e-visum auch verfügbar) | Allowed stay: 90 days |
Malawi | Visum an der Grenze (e-visum auch verfügbar) | From October 1, 2015, visitors are generally advised to obtain a visa in advance. |
Mali | Visum erforderlich | Letter of invitation required. International Certificate of Vaccination required. |
Mauretanien | Visum an der Grenze | Available at Nouakchott–Oumtounsy International Airport. International Certificate of Vaccination required. |
Mauritius | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 60 days |
Mayotte | Keine Daten | |
Marokko | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 3 months |
Mosambik | Visum an der Grenze (e-visum auch verfügbar) | Allowed stay: 30 days |
Namibia | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 3 months |
Niger | Visum erforderlich | International Certificate of Vaccination required. |
Nigeria | Visum erforderlich | |
Republik Kongo | Visum erforderlich | International Certificate of Vaccination required. A letter of invitation or written proof of a hotel reservation is required. |
Ruanda | Visum an der Grenze (e-visum auch verfügbar) | Allowed stay: 30 days Visitors are fingerprinted International Certificate of Vaccination required. |
St. Helena | Keine Daten | |
São Tomé und Príncipe | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 15 days International Certificate of Vaccination required. |
Senegal | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days International Certificate of Vaccination required. |
Seychellen | Visum an der Grenze (kostenlose besuchererlaubnis) | Allowed stay: 3 months Extendable up to a year |
Sierra Leone | Visum an der Grenze | International Certificate of Vaccination required. |
Somalia | Visum an der Grenze | Available at Berbera, Borama, Burao, Erigavo and Hargeisa airports. 30 days, available at Bosaso Airport, Galcaio Airport and Mogadishu Airport. |
Südafrika | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days Holders of passports without 2 blank pages may be refused entry. |
Südsudan | Elektronisches Visum / Online-Visum (e-visum) | Obtainable online Printed visa authorization must be presented at the time of travel International Certificate of Vaccination required. |
Sudan | Visum erforderlich | Holders of passports that contain visas or entry/exit stamps for Israel may be refused entry. Exit visa required. Registration within 3 days mandatory. |
Eswatini | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 30 days Extendable up to 60 days |
Tansania | Visum an der Grenze (e-visum auch verfügbar) | Allowed stay: 3 months Ordinary visa available on arrival for $100 |
Togo | Visum an der Grenze | Allowed stay: 7 days |
Tunesien | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days |
Uganda | Elektronisches Visum / Online-Visum (e-visum) | Allowed stay: 90 days Determined at the port of entry. Must apply online at least 2 business days prior to travel. As of March 2017, airlines may deny passengers permission to board flights to Uganda without proof that they had successfully applied for an eVisa. Ugandan immigration authorities may require additional documentation, including proof of a return plane ticket and detailed tour itinerary in Uganda. International Certificate of Vaccination required. |
Westsahara | Keine Daten | |
Sambia | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days Exact period determined on arrival, later extendable free of charge. All visitors are fingerprinted. Two blank pages required International Certificate of Vaccination required. Electronic visa also available. |
Simbabwe | Visum an der Grenze (e-visum auch verfügbar) | Allowed stay: 3 months Tourism purposes only. Electronic visa also available. |
Réunion | Keine Daten | |
Bahrain | Visum an der Grenze (e-visum auch verfügbar) | Allowed stay: 14 days Visa also obtainable online |
Iran | Visum erforderlich | Iranian visas must be obtained from the Iranian Interests section of the Embassy of Pakistan, Washington, D.C. or an Iranian embassy in a third country. U.S. visitors are fingerprinted and photographed upon entry. Independent travelers must be accompanied by an authorized guide at all times. Tourists for Kish Island do not require a visa for a total of 14 days. |
Irak | Visum an der Grenze | Allowed stay: 60 days U.S. citizens can apply for on-arrival visas at approved land, sea, and air border crossings. |
Israel | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 3 months Dual nationals of Israel and the United States who don't have an Israeli passport, including infants, may be required to obtain an Israeli passport in order to leave Israel. Entry prohibited for any person "who knowingly issues a public call for boycotting Israel". |
Jordanien | Visum an der Grenze | Allowed stay: 30 days Visa on arrival obtainable at most international ports of entry and land border crossings. Iris scan is taken upon arrival and departure. |
Kuwait | Visum an der Grenze (e-visum auch verfügbar) | Allowed stay: 3 months |
Libanon | Visum an der Grenze (unentgeltlich) | Allowed stay: 1 month Extendable for 2 additional months. Granted free of charge if there is no Israeli visa or seal and traveler has a telephone number, an address in Lebanon, and a non refundable return or circle trip ticket. |
Oman | Visa nicht erforderlich (e-visum auch verfügbar) | Allowed stay: 14 days / 30 days Visa exemption valid for 10 days Holders of a visa or entrance stamp of the Emirate of Dubai that is valid for at least 21 days are visa exempt. Holders of a visa for Qatar that is valid for travel to Oman and valid for at least one month are visa exempt when arriving directly from Qatar. Iris scan is taken on arrival. |
Katar | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 30 days |
Saudi-Arabien | Visum an der Grenze (e-visum auch verfügbar) | Allowed stay: 90 days |
Syrien | Einreiseverweigerung oder Reisebeschränk | Registration required within 15 days. Departure tax applies at all borders. Persons with passports bearing Israeli visas or entry/exit stamps are not allowed to enter. Visas are not currently available to United States residents. Visa not required for foreign citizens with proof of Syrian origin, such as an identification card or passport Dual-Citizen Males ages 17–42 need military service book |
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 30 days Extension possible with a fee Iris scan taken on arrival U.S. passport holders can sign up for E-Gate access on arrival/departure at Dubai International Airport |
Jemen | Visum erforderlich | Registration mandatory. Exit visa required for stays over 30 days. |
Afghanistan | Visum erforderlich | Visitors born in Afghanistan do not require a visa. All visitors are fingerprinted, and are required to register with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs upon arrival. The U.S. government forced all Afghan diplomatic missions in the U.S. to close in March 2022. Applicants must now obtain a visa from a mission in another country. The Taliban accepts visas issued by diplomatic missions not under its control. |
Armenien | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 180 days |
Aserbaidschan | Visum an der Grenze (e-visum auch verfügbar) | Allowed stay: 30 days If staying in Azerbaijan for more than ten days, visitors must register at the State Migration Service within three days of arrival. Applicants of Armenian ancestry or with Armenian visas in their passport may be denied a visa. Can obtain a 30 days visa on arrival only if arriving on a direct flight on Azerbaijan Airlines from New York City. |
Bangladesch | Visum an der Grenze | Allowed stay: 30 days Available at international airports in Dhaka, Chittagong, and Sylhet. No visa required for Bangladeshi Americans and their spouse and children with a copy of a former Bangladeshi passport, a Dual Nationality Certificate, NVR, a Bangladeshi NID, or a digital birth registration certificate. Departure tax applies. |
Bhutan | Visum erforderlich | Sustainable Development Fee of $200 per day for almost all visitors to Bhutan. |
Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean | Keine Daten | |
Brunei | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days |
Myanmar | Elektronisches Visum / Online-Visum (e-visum) | Allowed stay: 28 days eVisa holders must arrive via Yangon, Nay Pyi Taw or Mandalay airports or via land border crossings at Tachileik, Myawaddy, Kawthaung, Rih Khaw Dar or Tamu. eVisa available for both tourism or business purposes. |
Kambodscha | Visum an der Grenze (e-visum auch verfügbar) | Allowed stay: 30 days Visa is also obtainable online. All visitors are fingerprinted upon arrival and departure. |
China | Visum erforderlich | Registration mandatory within 24 hours of arrival. All visitors between the ages of 14 and 70 are fingerprinted upon arrival and departure. Visas for U.S. citizens are valid for up to 10 years. |
Weihnachtsinsel | Keine Daten | |
Kokosinseln | Keine Daten | |
Georgien | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 1 year |
Indien | Elektronisches Visum / Online-Visum (e-visum) | Allowed stay: 180 days trim $100 fee along with bank surcharge of 2.5% Visitors are fingerprinted. American citizens are eligible for a ten-year, multiple-entry tourist visa. American citizens of Pakistani heritage are not eligible for a ten-year, multiple-entry tourist visa, and must apply for a regular visa. e-Visa holders must arrive via 26 designated airports or 3 designated seaports. An Indian e-Tourist Visa can only be obtained twice in one calendar year. |
Indonesien | Visum an der Grenze | Allowed stay: 30 days |
Japan | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 3 months Japan is reopening to individual travelers but needed to obtain visas from travel agencies organized by Japanese government. All visitors are fingerprinted and photographed. Beginning on October 11, 2022, U.S. citizens may enter Japan without a visa for stays not exceeding 90 days. |
Kasachstan | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 30 days As part of the no-visa pilot program in period July 15, 2014 – July 15, 2015. In June 2015 this program was extended until December 31, 2017. |
Kirgisistan | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 60 days |
Laos | Visum an der Grenze (e-visum auch verfügbar) | Allowed stay: 30 days Visa on arrival is available at Luangphabang, Pakse, Savannakhet and Vientiane international airports, the 4 Thai-Lao Friendship Bridges, 13 border crossings, and Tanalaeng train station in Vientiane. Visa on arrival facilities will be gradually phased out starting in January 2020. eVisa may be used to enter Laos through Wattay International Airport and the First Thai–Lao Friendship Bridge. The Lalai, Lantui, Meuang mom, Pakxan, and Phoudou border crossings are open only to visa holders. Visa on arrival is extendable up to 60 days. |
Malaysia | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 3 months All visitors are fingerprinted on arrival and departure. Immigration offenses, such as visa overstaying, are punishable by caning. |
Malediven | Visum an der Grenze (unentgeltlich) | Allowed stay: 30 days Extendable up to 90 days. |
Mongolei | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days Registration required after 30 days. |
Nepal | Visum an der Grenze | Allowed stay: 90 days Obtainable at Tribhuvan International Airport and certain land borders. Total aggregate stay of no more than 150 days in any given calendar year. US Citizens are eligible for five-year multiple entry visas. |
Nordkorea | Visum erforderlich | U.S. passports holders must obtain a special passport validation from the U.S. federal government before travel. |
Pakistan | Elektronisches Visum / Online-Visum | Allowed stay: 30 days Electronic Travel Authorization to obtain a visa on arrival for tourism purposes. Electronic Travel Authorization to obtain a visa on arrival for business purposes. Online Visa eligible. |
Philippinen | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 30 days Naturalized US citizens of former Philippine nationality allowed to stay for one year. |
Russland | Visum erforderlich | 72-hour visa-free transit for international cruise ship/ferry passengers only if travelling with an organized tour and accompanied at all times by a tour operator. Registration required after 7 business days. American citizens may receive multiple-entry visas valid for three years. |
Singapur | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days All visitors are fingerprinted upon arrival and departure |
Südkorea | Elektronisches Visum / Online-Visum | Allowed stay: 90 days All visitors are fingerprinted. From September 2021, travellers require a K-ETA, issued for a fee of 10,000 won. |
Sri Lanka | Visum an der Grenze | Allowed stay: 30 days Visa on arrival with Electronic Travel Authorization |
Taiwan | Keine Daten | |
Tadschikistan | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 30 days eVisa also available. eVisa holders can enter through all border points. |
Thailand | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 30 days Maximum two visits annually if not arriving by air. |
Osttimor | Visum an der Grenze | Allowed stay: 30 days For arrivals by air only |
Türkei | Elektronisches Visum / Online-Visum (e-visum) | Allowed stay: 3 months Single or multiple entry visa |
Turkmenistan | Visum erforderlich | Departure fee applies. 10-day visa on arrival if holding letter of invitation issued by a company registered in Turkmenistan with a prior approval from the Foreign Ministry. |
Usbekistan | Elektronisches Visum / Online-Visum (e-visum) | Allowed stay: 30 days Registration within 3 days is mandatory. 5-day visa-free transit at the international airports if holding a confirmed onward ticket for a flight to a third country. |
Vietnam | Elektronisches Visum / Online-Visum (e-visum) | Allowed stay: 30 days A single entry eVisa is available. Phú Quốc visa exemption for up to 30 days. |
Australien | Elektronisches Visum / Online-Visum | Allowed stay: 90 days 90 days on each visit in 12-month period if granted May enter using SmartGate. |
Cookinseln | Keine Daten | |
Fidschi | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 4 months |
Französisch-Polynesien | Keine Daten | |
Guam | Keine Daten | |
Kiribati | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 30 days Airport Embarkation Tax applies. |
Marshallinseln | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: Unlimited Departure fee applies. U.S. citizens may live and work freely in the Marshall Islands under the Compact of Free Association. |
Föderierte Staaten von Mikronesien | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: Unlimited All states except Yap have a departure fee. U.S. citizens may live and work freely in Micronesia under the Compact of Free Association. There is no limit to the length of time U.S. citizens can remain in the FSM. |
Nauru | Visum erforderlich | Allowed stay: 30 days Visas are issued with validity of 30 days. |
Neukaledonien | Keine Daten | |
Neuseeland | Elektronisches Visum / Online-Visum | Allowed stay: 3 months May enter using eGate. International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy must be paid upon requesting an Electronic Travel Authority. IVL not required for American Samoan citizens. Holders of an Australian Permanent Resident Visa or Resident Return Visa may be granted a New Zealand Resident Visa on arrival permitting indefinite stay. |
Niue | Keine Daten | |
Norfolkinsel | Keine Daten | |
Nördliche Marianen | Keine Daten | |
Palau | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 1 year U.S. citizens may live and work freely in Palau under the Compact of Free Association. As of January 1, 2018, every visitor coming to Palau will be assessed a $100 environmental fee. |
Papua-Neuguinea | Visum an der Grenze (e-visum auch verfügbar) | Allowed stay: 60 days Extendable for 30 days Visa on arrival is issued free of charge. Visa on Arrival is currently suspended. |
Pitcairninseln | Keine Daten | |
Samoa | Visum an der Grenze (kostenlose einreiseerlaubnis) | Allowed stay: 60 days Departure tax applies. |
Salomonen | Visum an der Grenze (kostenlose besuchererlaubnis) | Allowed stay: 3 months 3 months within 12 months |
Tokelau | Keine Daten | |
Tonga | Visum an der Grenze (unentgeltlich) | Allowed stay: 31 days |
Tuvalu | Visum an der Grenze (unentgeltlich) | Allowed stay: 1 month Extendable up to 3 months Visa on arrival is issued free of charge. |
Vanuatu | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 30 days Extendable up to 120 days |
Wallis und Futuna | Keine Daten | |
Kanada | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 6 months Anyone with a criminal record may not be able to enter Canada without first obtaining an approval for rehabilitation or a Temporary Resident Permit. Passport Card, NEXUS card, or Enhanced Drivers License valid for Land and Sea Travel |
Mexiko | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 180 days Visitors must obtain a Forma Migratoria Multiple. There is no charge for a tourist FMM for stays of less than 7 days when entering by land. For visitors staying more than 7 days and entering by land the cost is MXN$575. An FMM is required for all visitors entering via air, regardless of length of stay, and the cost is included in the traveler's airfare and remitted by the airline. Passport Card or Enhanced Drivers License valid for Land and Sea Travel |
Saint-Pierre und Miquelon | Keine Daten | |
Vereinigte Staaten | Ausgewähltes Land | |
Anguilla | Keine Daten | |
Antigua und Barbuda | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 6 months Stringent application of rules regarding proof of sufficient funds, return ticket and accommodation. |
Aruba | Keine Daten | |
Bahamas | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 8 months Passport Card or Enhanced Drivers License valid for Sea Travel |
Barbados | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 6 months |
Bermuda | Keine Daten | |
Britische Jungferninseln | Keine Daten | |
Kaimaninseln | Keine Daten | |
Kuba | Visum erforderlich | Allowed stay: 30 days Family visits Official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations Journalistic activity Professional research and professional meetings Educational activities |
Dominica | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 6 months Departure tax applies. |
Dominikanische Republik | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 30 days Extendable up to 90 days Passport Card or Enhanced Drivers License valid for sea travel |
Grenada | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 3 months Extensions possible |
Haiti | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 3 months |
Jamaika | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 6 months There is a departure tax for travelers, which is regularly included in airfare. |
Montserrat | Keine Daten | |
Curaçao | Keine Daten | |
Puerto Rico | Keine Daten | |
Saint-Barthélemy | Keine Daten | |
St. Kitts und Nevis | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 3 months |
St. Lucia | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 6 weeks |
Saint-Martin | Keine Daten | |
St. Vincent und die Grenadinen | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 6 months |
Trinidad und Tobago | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days |
Turks- und Caicosinseln | Keine Daten | |
Amerikanische Jungferninseln | Keine Daten | |
Argentinien | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days Extendable up to 180 days. Visitors are fingerprinted and photographed upon entry. |
Belize | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 30 days Departure tax applies. |
Bolivien | Visum erforderlich | Beginning February 8, 2021, all U.S. citizens visiting Bolivia for tourism will be required to obtain a tourist visa. |
Brasilien | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days Up to 90 days per visit, but no more than 180 days per year. |
Chile | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days |
Kolumbien | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days Extendable up to 180-days stay within a one-year period Colombian-born U.S. citizens and U.S. citizens traveling with children may face special exit requirements. |
Costa Rica | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days Departure tax applies. |
Ecuador | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days Extendable for another 90 days, per year |
El Salvador | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 3 months Includes Honduras, Nicaragua, and Guatemala |
Falklandinseln | Keine Daten | |
Guatemala | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days Includes Honduras, Nicaragua, and El Salvador An exit tax must be paid when departing by air. |
Guyana | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 3 months |
Honduras | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 3 months Includes Guatemala, Nicaragua, and El Salvador Departing airport tax applies. |
Nicaragua | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days Includes Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador A tourist card must be purchased upon arrival. |
Panama | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 180 days Denial of entry or transit to any person who has a criminal conviction. |
Paraguay | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days Effective October 12, 2021, U.S. citizens are no longer required to obtain a tourist visa for stays of up to 90 days. |
Peru | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days Determined on arrival |
Suriname | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 90 days An entrance fee of 25 USD or 25 Euros must be paid online prior to arrival. Multiple entry eVisa is also available. |
Uruguay | Visa nicht erforderlich | Allowed stay: 3 months |
Venezuela | Visum erforderlich | |
Französisch-Guayana | Keine Daten | |
Grönland | Keine Daten |