Trek Zone

Prefeitura Municipal de Candeias do Jamari, Candeias do Jamari

#1 among attractions in Candeias do Jamari

City hall
Prefeitura Municipal de Candeias do Jamari location map

Facts and practical information

Prefeitura Municipal de Candeias do Jamari (address: Avenida airton sena, 121, bairro União) is a place located in Candeias do Jamari (Rondônia state) and belongs to the category of city hall.

It is situated at an altitude of 279 feet, and its geographical coordinates are 8°47'44"S latitude and 63°42'8"W longitude.

Coordinates: 8°47'44"S, 63°42'8"W

Avenida airton sena, 121, bairro UniãoCandeias do Jamari Brazil

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