Trek Zone

Train Museum, Recife

#31 among attractions in Recife

Museum, Specialty museum, History museum, Historical place
Train Museum location map

Facts and practical information

Train Museum (address: Rua Floriano Peixoto s/n) is a place located in Recife (Pernambuco state) and belongs to the category of museum, specialty museum, history museum.

It is situated at an altitude of 33 feet, and its geographical coordinates are 8°4'0"S latitude and 34°53'0"W longitude.

Planning a visit to this place, one can easily and conveniently get there by public transportation. Train Museum is a short distance from the following public transport stations: Desembarque - Terminal Recife (bus, 4 min walk), Recife (metro, 6 min walk).

Among other places and attractions worth visiting in the area are: Casa da Cultura (museum, 2 min walk), Igreja de Santa Tereza da Ordem Terceira do Carmo (church, 6 min walk), Nossa Senhora do Carmo (church, 7 min walk).

Coordinates: 8°4'0"S, 34°53'0"W

Rua Floriano Peixoto s/nRPA1 (Santo Antônio)Recife 51345-660 Brazil

+55 (81) 3184-3097
Social media
Day trips

Train Museum – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Mercado de São José, Shopping Boa Vista, Santa Isabel Theater, Ricardo Brennand Institute.

  • mercado de sao jose recife~1850 ftE
  • shopping boa vista recife0.6 miNW
  • santa isabel theater recife0.5 miNE
  • ricardo brennand institute recife~1820 ftSE
  • church of our lady of the conception of the military recife~1450 ftNE
  • co cathedral of st peter of clerics recife~1560 ftE
  • basilica of our lady of the rock recife~1790 ftE
  • nossa senhora do carmo recife~1250 ftE
  • nossa senhora da conceicao dos militares recife location map
    ~1510 ftNE
  • santissimo sacramento matriz de santo antonio recife location map
    0.4 miNE
  • parque theater recife location map
    ~1920 ftN

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which popular attractions are close to Train Museum?

Nearby attractions include Casa da Cultura, Recife (2 min walk), Igreja de Santa Tereza da Ordem Terceira do Carmo, Recife (6 min walk), Nossa Senhora do Carmo, Recife (7 min walk), Church of Our Lady of the Conception of the Military, Recife (7 min walk).

How to get to Train Museum by public transport?

The nearest stations to Train Museum:

  • Desembarque - Terminal Recife • Lines: 101, 104, 107, 116, 116-A, 117 (4 min walk)
  • TI Recife (4 min walk)

  • Recife • Lines: 1, 2, 3 (6 min walk)
  • Joana Bezerra • Lines: 1, 2, 3 (24 min walk)

Where to next? Visit pernambuco Pernambuco region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Brazil.