Chile Climate
When Is the Best Time To Visit Chile?
The answer to the question of what is the best month to visit Chile depends on what you are interested in doing during your stay. Here you can see an overview of each month and its typical weather conditions.
Climate of Chile
Chile, due to its large meridional extension and varied relief, is characterized by several climatic zones. Considering the weather occurring throughout the year, we can distinguish four seasons: summer season (November to February), autumn season (March to May), winter season (June to August) and spring season (September to October).
Different regions of the country have different climates, and as a result, the seasons also develop differently.
The northern region (the areas bordering Peru, the Arica y Parinacota area, Tarapacá, Antofagasta and the Atacama Desert) has a dry and eminently dry tropical climate. The influence of the cold Peruvian Current is marked here. Precipitation is very scarce, and there are places in the desert areas where no rain has fallen for decades. The only source of water there is fog and dew. In summer, daytime temperatures exceed 30°C during the hottest months. Winters are also quite warm, with temperatures around 16°C - 19°C. At night, temperatures can drop to 0°C, and even frosts occur.
The central region (Central Chilean Valley area, Santi area, Coastal Cordillera) has a subtropical maritime climate. Precipitation dominates the months of May through July and is much more frequent than in the north. In mountainous areas, rains reach 1,000 mm - 2,000 mm per year. There is also snowfall in the highest parts of the mountains. The air temperature in summer is about 20°C - 23°C, reaching a maximum of 35°C. In winter, on the other hand, it oscillates between 7°C - 10°C, with frosts occurring at night.
The southern regions (Magallanes region, Aisén, Patagonian Andes) have a temperate maritime climate under the direct influence of oceanic air. It is characterized by high precipitation, about 1000 mm - 3000 mm per year, and in the Strait of Magellan region close to 5100 mm. There is slightly less precipitation on the eastern slopes of the Patagonian Andes. Air temperatures in the area range from 8°C - 10°C in summer and from 0°C to 5°C in winter. In the higher parts of the mountains there is frost and it snows.
The southernmost reaches of Chile (the Fire Land and part of Patagonia) are in a subpolar climate zone. This area is relatively dry and cool, as it is directly exposed to Antarctic air masses. Temperatures are low, with summers not exceeding 10°C. Winters are often snowy, cold and windy.
The Chilean islands, namely Easter Island and the Juan Fernández Archipelago, have a subtropical maritime climate. Temperatures throughout the year oscillate between 20°C - 28°C. The hottest and driest time includes the months of December through March. The rainy season occurs from April to August. The rains usually take the form of intense but short-lived downpours occurring on warm sunny days, usually in the late afternoons or evenings.
Temperature records
Climate and Average Weather in Chile
General weather conditions each month by city.
Weather Map
The icons next to the month name indicate the convenience of the date for visiting the selected area/territory/ country. They are only a suggestion and should not be used as the final criterion for selecting your travel date. The season is defined as the time period with the weather favorable for sightseeing (or sunbathing - small island countries) for the average tourist. For countries with a large geographical range, the most touristic places were included.