Region Sjælland
Discover the cities and interesting locations in the region that will enchant you with their rich history, cultural heritage, or picturesque surroundings.
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Must-Visit Places and Tourist Attractions
Lutheran cathedral with 39 royal gravesViking Ship Museum
GeoCenter Møns Klint Stege
Møns Klint Møn
Middelaldercentret Lolland
Open-air museum of the Middle AgesMuseet for Samtidskunst
Falsters Minder Nykøbing Falster
Sagnlandet Lejre Lejre
Interactive park tracing Danish historyFanefjord Church
Liselund Borre
Knuthenborg Safaripark Lolland
Vallø Castle Køge
Næstved Arena Næstved
Vordingborg Castle Vordingborg
Elmelunde Church Møn
Abbey Church Nykøbing Falster
Kragerup Ruds Vedby
Næsbyholm Glumsø
Stubbekøbing Church Falster
Tågerup Church Lolland