Region Janub Sina
Discover the cities and interesting locations in the region that will enchant you with their rich history, cultural heritage, or picturesque surroundings.
Must-Visit Places and Tourist Attractions
Mount Sinai Saint Catherine's Monastery
Saint Catherine
Saint Catherine
6th-century Greek Orthodox monasteryTerrazzina Beach
Sharm el-Sheikh
Wind Beach Ras Muhammad National Park
Church of Sinai Saint Catherine
Castle of Saladin Pharaoh's Island
Willow Peak Mount Sinai
Mount Catherine Mount Sinai
Abu Madi Mount Sinai
Type RO 15 Ras Muhammad National Park
Saint Katherine Protectorate Mount Sinai
Blue Hole Dahab
Mount Serbal Nabq Protected Area
SOHO Square Sharm El Sheikh Sharm el-Sheikh
Sinai Grand Casino Sharm el-Sheikh
Night Disco "Antalia" Ras Muhammad National Park