Trek Zone

maison de tourisme, Jacmel

#2 among attractions in Jacmel

maison de tourisme location map

Facts and practical information

maison de tourisme is a place located in Jacmel (Sud-Est department) and belongs to the category of museum.

It is situated at an altitude of 69 feet, and its geographical coordinates are 18°14'22"N latitude and 72°32'19"W longitude.

Among other places and attractions worth visiting in the area are: manguier (tree, 10 min walk), Lakou New York (beach, 13 min walk), Jacmel Arrondissement (shopping, 15 min walk).

Coordinates: 18°14'22"N, 72°32'19"W

Jacmel Haiti

Social media
Day trips

maison de tourisme – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Jacmel Arrondissement, Lakou New York, manguier, plage de lasaline.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which popular attractions are close to maison de tourisme?

Nearby attractions include manguier, Jacmel (10 min walk), Lakou New York, Jacmel (13 min walk).

Where to next? Visit sud est Sud-Est region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Haiti.