Region Aceh
Discover the cities and interesting locations in the region that will enchant you with their rich history, cultural heritage, or picturesque surroundings.
Must-Visit Places and Tourist Attractions
Baiturrahman Grand Mosque
Banda Aceh
19th-century mosque with 7 domesBaiturrahim Mosque
Banda Aceh
Museum Tsunami Aceh Banda Aceh
Symbolic hub honoring disaster victimsAceh Museum
Banda Aceh
Baitul Makmur Meulaboh Grand Mosque Meulaboh
Apung 1 Banda Aceh
Leuser Range Gunung Leuser National Park
Kerkhof Banda Aceh
Arun Lhokseumawe Special Economic Zone Lhokseumawe
Mount Kembar Gunung Leuser National Park
Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh
Iskandar Muda Banda Aceh
Gunongan Banda Aceh
Ulèë Lheuë Banda Aceh
Center for Documentation and Information of Aceh Banda Aceh
Muara Satu Lhokseumawe
Blang Mangat Lhokseumawe
Banda Sakti Lhokseumawe
Muara Dua Lhokseumawe
Ie Meulee Weh Island
Regions of Indonesia
AcehBaliBangka Belitung IslandsBantenBengkuluCentral JavaCentral KalimantanCentral SulawesiEast JavaEast KalimantanEast Nusa TenggaraGorontaloJakartaJambiLampungMalukuNorth MalukuNorth SulawesiNorth SumatraPapuaRiauRiau IslandsSouth KalimantanSouth SulawesiSouth SumatraSoutheast SulawesiWest JavaWest KalimantanWest Nusa TenggaraWest PapuaWest SulawesiWest SumatraYogyakarta