Trek Zone

Citadel of Acre, Akko

#12 among attractions in Akko

Historical place, Forts and castles
Citadel of Acre

Facts and practical information

Citadel of Acre is a place located in Akko (HaZafon district) and belongs to the category of historical place, forts and castles.

It is situated at an altitude of 49 feet, and its geographical coordinates are 32°55'25"N latitude and 35°4'11"E longitude.

Planning a visit to this place, one can easily and conveniently get there by public transportation. Citadel of Acre is a short distance from the following public transport stations: Acko central bus station (bus, 18 min walk), Acre (train, 22 min walk).

Among other places and attractions worth visiting in the area are: El-Jazzar Mosque (mosque, 2 min walk), Terra Sancta Church (church, 4 min walk), Saint Jawarjius Church and Monastery (church, 5 min walk).

Coordinates: 32°55'25"N, 35°4'11"E

Akko Israel

Social media
Day trips

Citadel of Acre – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: El-Jazzar Mosque, Khan al-Umdan, Akko Light, Al-Muallaq Mosque.

  • el jazzar mosque akko~290 ftSE
  • khan al umdan akko~910 ftS
  • akko light~1820 ftSW
  • al muallaq mosque akko~1050 ftS
  • terra sancta church akko~770 ftS
  • or torah synagogue akko0.4 miE
  • saint jawarjius church and monastery akko~840 ftSW
  • church of saint andrew akko location map
    ~1380 ftSW
  • acre municipal stadium akko1.4 miSE
  • napoleon stadium akko location map
    0.9 miE
  • western galilee college akko1.3 miNE

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which popular attractions are close to Citadel of Acre?

Nearby attractions include El-Jazzar Mosque, Akko (2 min walk), Terra Sancta Church, Akko (4 min walk), Saint Jawarjius Church and Monastery, Akko (5 min walk), Khan al-Umdan, Akko (5 min walk).

How to get to Citadel of Acre by public transport?

The nearest stations to Citadel of Acre:

  • Acko central bus station (18 min walk)

  • Acre (22 min walk)

Where to next? Visit hazafon HaZafon region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Israel.