Trek Zone

Australian Soldier Park, Beer Sheva

#7 among attractions in Beer Sheva

Australian Soldier Park

Facts and practical information

Local name: פארק החייל האוסטרליCoordinates: 31°15'36"N, 34°46'24"E

Beer Sheva Israel

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Day trips

Australian Soldier Park – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Plaza, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Memorial, Carasso Science Park, Engine 70414.

  • mustafa kemal ataturk plaza beer sheva location map
    1.2 miSE
  • mustafa kemal ataturk memorial beer sheva1.2 miSE
  • carasso science park beer sheva location map
    1.4 miSE
  • engine 70414 beer sheva1.2 miSE
  • lunada childrens museum beer sheva location map
    0.6 miW
  • neighborhoods of beersheba beer sheva0.4 miS
  • grand canyon mall beer sheva location map
    0.7 miS
  • vasermil stadium beer sheva0.9 miSE
  • turner stadium beer sheva1 miN
  • kaye academic college of education beer sheva location map
    0.8 miNE
  • conch arena beer sheva location map
    0.9 miN

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which popular attractions are close to Australian Soldier Park?

Nearby attractions include Neighborhoods of Beersheba, Beer Sheva (11 min walk), Lunada Children's Museum, Beer Sheva (16 min walk), Kaye Academic College of Education, Beer Sheva (22 min walk).

Where to next? Visit hadarom HaDarom region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Israel.