Trek Zone

Ashkelon, Ashkelon

#1 among attractions in Ashkelon

Sailing, Park, Beach, Marina
Ashkelon location map

Facts and practical information

Ashkelon is a place located in Ashkelon (HaDarom district) and belongs to the category of sailing, park, beach.

It is situated at an altitude of 3 feet, and its geographical coordinates are 31°40'56"N latitude and 34°33'21"E longitude.

Among other places and attractions worth visiting in the area are: Ashkelon Marina Breakwater Light (lighthouse, 6 min walk), Ashkeluna (watersports, 17 min walk), Heichal HaTarbut (concerts and shows, 32 min walk).

Elevation: 3 ft a.s.l.Coordinates: 31°40'56"N, 34°33'21"E

Ashkelon Israel

+972 53-944-2743
Social media
Day trips

Ashkelon – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Giron mall, Ashkelon Marina Breakwater Light, Ashkelon Town Hall, Ashkelon Subdistrict.

  • giron mall ashkelon location map
    1.3 miSE
  • ashkelon marina breakwater light~1170 ftN
  • ashkelon town hall location map
    1.3 miSE
  • ashkelon subdistrict location map
    1.3 miSE
  • yad labanim square ashkelon location map
    1.3 miS
  • ashkelon academic college1.3 miSE
  • heichal hatarbut ashkelon location map
    1.2 miS
  • ashkeluna ashkelon location map
    0.7 miS
  • sala stadium ashkelon1.4 miSE

Where to next? Visit hadarom HaDarom region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Israel.