Facts About Madonna of the Red Cherubims
"Madonna of the Red Cherubim" is a captivating painting created by the renowned Italian Renaissance artist Giovanni Bellini around 1485. This oil-on-panel masterpiece elegantly portrays the Virgin Mary with the Child Jesus on her knee. Their mutual gaze evokes memories of Bellini's earlier work, "Alzano Madonna" which is also housed in the same museum.
In the foreground, the Virgin and Child are depicted as a half-length figure, set against an enchanting landscape featuring towers, castles, and a tranquil river inlet with a small boat. The bright sky, adorned with red cherubim, lends the painting its distinctive name and adds a touch of divine presence.
A signature element of Bellini's oeuvre, the parapet, appears at the bottom of the painting. However, unlike some of his other works, this piece does not include a cartouche bearing his signature.