Malta Island: Archaeological Site
Places and attractions in the Archaeological site category
Misraħ Għar il-Kbir
Misrah Ghar il-Kbir is a prehistoric site in Siġġiewi, in the south of the Island of Malta, near the Dingli Cliffs. It is best known for its "cart ruts", a complex network of tracks carved in the rock. The age and purpose of the tracks is uncertain.
Borġ in-Nadur
Borġ in-Nadur is an archaeological site located in open fields overlooking St George's Bay, near Birżebbuġa, Malta. It is occupied by a Tarxien phase megalithic temple as well as the remains of a Bronze Age village which includes the earliest fortification in Malta.
Punic-Roman towers in Malta
The remains of six Punic-Roman towers have been identified in Malta. They are believed to have been built while the island was part of the Punic or Roman Empires.
Ta' Ġawhar Tower
Ta' Ġawhar Tower is a round Punic-Roman tower in the village of Safi, Malta. The tower is the best preserved of the six Punic-Roman towers in Malta at approximately seven wall courses high.