Trek Zone

Museo Regional de la Laguna, Torreón

#8 among attractions in Torreón

History museum, Museum
Museo Regional de la Laguna

Facts and practical information

Museo Regional de la Laguna (address: Avenida Juárez s/n) is a place located in Torreón (Coahuila state) and belongs to the category of history museum, museum.

It is situated at an altitude of 3714 feet, and its geographical coordinates are 25°32'20"N latitude and 103°25'59"W longitude.

Among other places and attractions worth visiting in the area are: Estadio Revolución (baseball, 7 min walk), Morelos (square, 23 min walk), Auditorio Municipal (entertainment, 26 min walk).

Coordinates: 25°32'20"N, 103°25'59"W

Avenida Juárez s/nTorreón Mexico

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Day trips

Museo Regional de la Laguna – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Teatro Isauro Martínez, Morelos, Casa del Artista, Estadio Revolución.

  • teatro isauro martinez torreon1.2 miW
  • morelos torreon0.9 miW
  • casa del artista torreon1.1 miNW
  • estadio revolucion torreon~1340 ftE
  • auditorio municipal torreon location map
    1 miW

Where to next? Visit coahuila Coahuila region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Mexico.