Trek Zone

Megapolis Mall, Chișinău

#77 among attractions in Chișinău

Shopping, Shopping centre
Megapolis Mall

Facts and practical information

Megapolis Mall (address: Strada Mihai Sadoveanu 42/6) is a place located in Chișinău (Chişinău city) and belongs to the category of shopping, shopping centre.

It is situated at an altitude of 568 feet, and its geographical coordinates are 47°4'15"N latitude and 28°53'19"E longitude.

Planning a visit to this place, one can easily and conveniently get there by public transportation. Megapolis Mall is a short distance from the following public transport stations: Megapolis Mall (bus, 4 min walk).

Among other places and attractions worth visiting in the area are: Attraction parc (amusement, 57 min walk), Beach (beach, 59 min walk), Nizami Ganjavi (memorial, 64 min walk).

Coordinates: 47°4'15"N, 28°53'19"E

Strada Mihai Sadoveanu 42/6Chișinău 2001 Moldova

+373 22 406 333
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Day trips

Megapolis Mall – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Nativity Cathedral, Moldova National Opera Ballet, Durlești, Cathedral of Divine Providence.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When is Megapolis Mall open?

Megapolis Mall is open:
  • Monday 9 am - 12 am
  • Tuesday 9 am - 12 am
  • Wednesday 9 am - 12 am
  • Thursday 9 am - 12 am
  • Friday 9 am - 12 am
  • Saturday 9 am - 12 am
  • Sunday 9 am - 12 am

How to get to Megapolis Mall by public transport?

The nearest stations to Megapolis Mall:

  • Megapolis Mall • Lines: A5 (4 min walk)
  • Strada Ion Dumeniuc • Lines: 23 (26 min walk)

Where to next? Visit chisinau Chişinău region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Moldova.