Best Places to Visit Near Invercargill
Visit some of the best attractions in the vicinity of Invercargill with hundreds to choose from to make your perfect day out or weekend break away. Browse the below list featuring some of the best destinations (such as Stewart Island / Rakiura, Bluff, Gore) or select map view to search geographically.
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- 25 miles
- 50 miles
- 75 miles
- 100 miles
Cities and Localities Near Invercargill
Where to go for a weekend trip near Invercargill? A list of surrounding cities, towns and villages nearby or close to the suburbs of Invercargill within a 50 mile radius.
43 milesSW
Stewart Island / RakiuraIsland
13 milesS
36 milesNE
37 milesNW
17 milesW
Riverton / AparimaTown
47 milesSW
Rakiura National ParkNational park
29 milesNE
17 milesS
Dog IslandIsland
45 milesE
Catlins Conservation ParkNational park
47 milesN
TOP Attractions
Best Day Trips from Invercargill
Attractions Best Day Trips from Invercargill
40 milesSECurio Bay Mount Anglem
New Zealand
46 milesNWHump Ridge Track New Zealand
33 milesSRakiura Track Stewart Island / Rakiura, New Zealand
29 milesSEWaipapa Point Lighthouse New Zealand
40 milesNWClifden Suspension Bridge Tuatapere, New Zealand
35 milesSMoturau Moana Stewart Island / Rakiura, New Zealand
17 milesSDog Island Lighthouse Dog Island, New Zealand
36 milesNEEastern Southland Gallery Gore, New Zealand
31 milesSWRakiura National Park, New Zealand
Highest point on Stewart Island17 milesWTe Hikoi Southern Journey
Riverton / Aparima, New Zealand
47 milesNLumsden Heritage Trust Lumsden, New Zealand
29 milesNEMataura Museum Mataura, New Zealand
36 milesNEEast Gore Presbyterian Church Gore, New Zealand
47 milesECatlins Ranges Catlins Conservation Park, New Zealand
38 milesSUlva Island New Zealand
17 milesWRiverton South African War memorial Riverton / Aparima, New Zealand
43 milesSWCodfish Island New Zealand
25 milesNWOtautau New Zealand