Trek Zone

Lake Llacsacocha, Nor Yauyos-Cochas Landscape Reserve

#3 among attractions in Nor Yauyos-Cochas Landscape Reserve

Lake Llacsacocha location map

Facts and practical information

Elevation: 14413 ft a.s.l.Coordinates: 12°1'35"S, 75°45'29"W

Nor Yauyos-Cochas Landscape Reserve Peru

Social media
Day trips

Lake Llacsacocha – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Mancacocha, Yuraq Kancha, Qiwllaqucha, Marayniyuq.

  • mancacocha nor yauyos cochas landscape reserve location map
    1.1 miE
  • yuraq kancha nor yauyos cochas landscape reserve location map
    5.6 miW
  • qiwllaqucha location map
    5.2 miS
  • marayniyuq location map
    5.5 miW
  • kima rumi location map
    4.6 miW

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