Trek Zone

Anca Pahuas, Cotahuasi Subbasin Landscape Reserve

#9 among attractions in Cotahuasi Subbasin Landscape Reserve

Anca Pahuas location map

Facts and practical information

Coordinates: 15°0'24"S, 72°27'33"W

Cotahuasi Subbasin Landscape Reserve Peru

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Day trips

Anca Pahuas – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Pillune, Thujsa, Llimphiq, Ch'uwañuma.

  • pillune cotahuasi subbasin landscape reserve location map
    3.9 miNE
  • thujsa cotahuasi subbasin landscape reserve location map
    5.9 miN
  • llimphiq cotahuasi subbasin landscape reserve location map
    5.7 miNW
  • chuwanuma location map
    1.6 miNE
  • kunturi location map
    1.2 miSW

Where to next? Visit arequipa Arequipa region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Peru.