Kaplica cmentarna pw. Świętego Antoniego Wielkiego

Facts and practical information
Chapel of St. Anthony the Great - an Orthodox cemetery chapel in Krynki. It belongs to Nativity of the Holy Mother of God parish in Krynki, in Sokółka decanate of Bialystok-Gdansk diocese of the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church.
The chapel was built in the first half of the eighteenth century, demolished in 1988 and reconstructed again in 1989-1992. In the front a porch with a gable roof at the entrance. Over the front part of the nave a small tower with a tin tent roof topped with a helmet with an eight-point cross. Single-pitched tin roofs over the porch and nave.
The chapel was listed in the Register of Historic Places on November 4, 1966 and again on April 11, 1996 under the number A-52.
Kaplica cmentarna pw. Świętego Antoniego Wielkiego – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)
Nearby attractions include: Cerkiew pw. Narodzenia Najświętszej Marii Panny, Synagoga chasydów ze Słonima w Krynkach, Cerkiew Narodzenia św. Jana Chrzciciela.