Cmentarz Żołnierzy Radzieckich w Bolęcinie

Facts and practical information
Cemetery of Soviet soldiers in Bolęcin - a historic cemetery from World War II, located in Bolęcin, Płońsk County. It was created between 1945 and 1955 and buried soldiers of the Red Army who died in Mazovia in 1944 and 1945.
The statue of the soldier on the central obelisk was unveiled on May 9, 1948: "To the heroic soldiers of the Soviet Army, liberators of Poland fallen in the fight against the Nazi occupant, grateful citizens of Plonsk, Ciechanow, Dzialdowo, Mława and Plock counties".
Out of 2484 dead 505 people were identified, their register is in the Sochocin municipality office.
The fallen were soldiers of the 70th and 65th Armies, the 2nd Strike Army, and the 1st and 8th Guards Armored Corps.