Trek Zone

Régua-Rio Douro, Peso da Régua

#1 among attractions in Peso da Régua

Wine, Lunch, Dinner, Restaurant, More...
Régua-Rio Douro

Facts and practical information

Régua-Rio Douro (address: Av. João Franco) is a place located in Peso da Régua (Vila Real district) and belongs to the category of wine, lunch, dinner.

It is situated at an altitude of 223 feet, and its geographical coordinates are 41°9'41"N latitude and 7°47'24"W longitude.

Among other places and attractions worth visiting in the area are: Castro of Cidadelhe (forts and castles, 78 min walk), Chapel of São Pedro de Balsemão (church, 97 min walk), Douro DOC, Lamego (unesco, 106 min walk).

Coordinates: 41°9'41"N, 7°47'24"W

Av. João FrancoPeso da Régua Portugal

+351 254 310 190
Social media
Day trips

Régua-Rio Douro – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Castle of Lamego, Our Lady of the Assumption Cathedral, Chapel of São Pedro de Balsemão, Igreja de São Martinho de Mouros.

  • castle of lamego4.4 miS
  • our lady of the assumption cathedral lamego4.6 miS
  • chapel of sao pedro de balsemao3.8 miS
  • igreja de sao martinho de mouros6.9 miSW
  • igreja de sao miguel6.2 miSE
  • teatro ribeiro conceicao lamego4.5 miS
  • castro of cidadelhe location map
    3.1 miW
  • armamar location map
    6.2 miSE
  • douro doc lamego4.1 miS

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