Trek Zone

Residence of Mesquitela, Mangualde

#4 among attractions in Mangualde

Residence of Mesquitela location map

Facts and practical information

Local name: Casa da Mesquitela Opened: XVI centuryCoordinates: 40°35'6"N, 7°45'13"W

Mangualde Portugal

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Day trips

Residence of Mesquitela – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Praia de Mangualde, Monastery of Santa Maria de Maceira Dão, Dolmen of Cunha Baixa, Chapel of Nossa Senhora do Castelo.

  • praia de mangualde1.9 miN
  • monastery of santa maria de maceira dao mangualde4.4 miNW
  • dolmen of cunha baixa1.4 miSW
  • chapel of nossa senhora do castelo mangualde2 miN

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