Trek Zone

Iglesia San Germán de Auxerre, San Germán

#2 among attractions in San Germán

Top attraction, Church
Iglesia San Germán de Auxerre

Facts and practical information

Alternative names: Built: 1688 (336 years ago)Coordinates: 18°4'52"N, 67°2'41"W

San Germán Puerto Rico

Social media
Day trips

Iglesia San Germán de Auxerre – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Porta Coeli, Arquelio Torres Ramírez Coliseum, San Germán Historic District, Los Túneles subterráneos de San Germán.

  • porta coeli san german~1250 ftE
  • arquelio torres ramirez coliseum san german location map
    1 miE
  • san german historic district~380 ftNE
  • los tuneles subterraneos de san german location map
    ~740 ftE

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which popular attractions are close to Iglesia San Germán de Auxerre?

Nearby attractions include San Germán Historic District, San Germán (2 min walk), Los Túneles subterráneos de San Germán, San Germán (4 min walk), Porta Coeli, San Germán (7 min walk).

Where to next? Visit san german San Germán region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Puerto Rico.