Russia Travel Safety
Travel Safety in Russia
General travel safety in Russia on a scale of 1 to 4 — where 1 is safe and 4 is dangerous. Data compiled on the basis of Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs.
Updated: 7 Aug 2024 • Still current at: 13 Oct 2024
LEVEL 4 - Do not travel
Your health and safety is at extreme risk. This may be because of a high threat of terrorist attack, conflict, violent social unrest, widespread infectious disease or critical levels of violent crime. It could be a combination of risks. If you travel to this location you're at a high risk of death, imprisonment, kidnapping or serious injury. You should not travel to this location, but if you're already in a 'Do not travel' area, consider leaving. Note that your travel insurance policy might be void.
Safety and Security Tips
Road safety
Road conditions vary and are often poor outside major cities. Drivers commonly ignore traffic regulations and often drive and park on pedestrian areas. Road accidents are common. Pedestrians should be particularly careful. In the event of an accident, do not move the vehicle until the police arrive, even if the car is obstructing traffic.
Authorities frequently perform random identity checks in public places. You may be fined or detained for failing to provide proper documentation to Russian authorities.
Use only registered taxis and do not share a taxi with strangers. Book taxis in advance either by phone or through taxi company apps. You should avoid flagging down taxis on the street, but if you do, negotiate the price before getting into the taxi. Foreigners have been victims of assault and robbery when using unregistered taxis.
Rail transportation
When travelling by train, store valuables in a safe place and do not leave the compartment unattended. Lock the door from the inside.
Public transportation
Most major cities have reliable public transportation including buses, subways or streetcars.
Women's safety
Based on the crime situation of Russia, be extremely vigilant at isolated places and while dealing with strangers. Women, particularly foreigners may be subject to unwanted male attention and catcalls in certain places. Female visitors and residents should take care when walking or travelling alone even during daylight hours. Exercise a high degree of precaution during travel. Avoid dark or non-tourist areas at night. Instead try to be around larger crowds, whether they are fellow tourists or local citizens.
There have been cases of foreigners developing friendships or romantic relationships over the Internet and becoming entangled in financial issues in Russia. Only exchange money at major banks. Foreigners have been scammed in the past when exchanging money on the street.
Crime against foreigners is a serious problem. Harassment and assaults are prevalent, particularly against foreigners of Asian and African descent. Some victims have died. Foreigners in the areas to which we advise against all travel are particularly vulnerable. Several journalists and local aid personnel have been killed or kidnapped. Criminals have targeted and destroyed well-marked aid convoys. Exercise extreme caution in crowds and open markets.
Spiked food and drinks
There have been cases of drugging followed by robbery and assault. Never leave food or drinks unattended or in the care of strangers. Be wary of accepting snacks, beverages, gum or cigarettes from new acquaintances. These items may contain drugs that could put you at risk of sexual assault and robbery.
Update 1 November 2020Emergency Calls
- Police112 or 102
- Fire112 or 101
- Ambulance112 or 103
Embassy of es
Spanish Embassy in Moscow
AddressUlitsa Bolshaya Nikitskaya 50/8
(+7) 495 690 30 02
Local Law and Culture
Although the laws of Russia do not prohibit homosexual activity, Russian federal law prohibits public actions that are described as promoting homosexuality and "non-traditional sexual relations". Public actions that contravene or appear to contravene this law may lead to arrest, a fine and deportation. Discrimination against LGBT individuals is common. LGBT travellers, as well as their friends and families, have been targets of harassment and violence, particularly outside of Moscow.
Illegal or restricted activities
Penalties for possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs are strict. Convicted offenders can expect jail sentences and heavy fines. Religious activity is heavily regulated in Russia. If you plan to engage in religious activity, such as missionary work, make sure you are not inadvertently violating local laws.
Failure to produce your passport when asked can lead to a fine.
Illegal drugs
Don't become involved with drugs. You can expect a long sentence for possession of even small quantities of drugs, regardless of whether they are "hard" or "soft".
Restricted areas
Access to certain areas such as military and border zones are restricted. If you're in any doubt about whether a tour or excursion will take you into a restricted area, contact your tour operator or the Russian Embassy. There may not be warning signs in locations where prohibitions are in place.
An International Driving Permit is recommended. You must obtain a local permit if staying longer than 6 months.
Update 1 November 2020Vaccinations and Medications
A doctor's consultation is required prior to any vaccinations being administered. This section is for informational purposes and does not exhaust all issues related to vaccination. Please contact your doctor for complete information on this subject.
Stay Healthy and Safe
Act in advance of to prevent. Check the vaccines and medicines list and visit your doctor at least 4-8 weeks before your trip to get vaccines or medicines you may need.
All travelers
You should be up to date on routine vaccinations while traveling to any destination. Some vaccinations may also be required in Russia.
Before each trip, it is worth making sure that we are up to date with the routine vaccinations. These include vaccinations against measles, mumps and rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, chickenpox, polio and flu.
- Get vaccinated
- Reduce your exposure to germs
Most travelers
Get travel vaccines and medicines because there is a risk of these diseases in the country you are visiting.
Hepatitis A is a digestive disease caused by the hepatitis A virus and is closely related to a lack of good hygiene.
It can be asymptomatic, moderate, or very severe.
- Get vaccinated
- Eat and drink safely
Some travelers
Vaccinations and medications that may be recommended under certain conditions, depending on where you will be, the length of your stay and the nature of your stay.
Hepatitis B is a disease caused by the hepatitis B virus.
Infection occurs through contact of injured skin or mucous membranes with virus-infected blood or other secretions (e.g. during sexual contact, through contaminated needles or as a result of medical procedures).
- Get vaccinated
- Avoid sharing body fluids
- Avoid non-sterile medical or cosmetic equipment
Japanese encephalitis is an infectious disease caused by arboviruses from the same family of microbes (Flaviviridae) that cause yellow fever or tick-borne encephalitis.
The vector of infection is mosquitoes of the genus Culex and Aedes.
- Get vaccinated
- Prevent bug bites
Rabies is an acute infectious disease caused by neurotrophic viruses from the rhabdovirus family.
The infection is most often caused by biting a sick animal or other contact of its saliva with mucous membranes, conjunctiva or damaged skin.
- Get vaccinated
- Keep away from animals
We have made every effort to ensure that the information presented reliably reflects the general safety situation in a given place. However, the data is provided for informational purposes only and we do not take responsibility for any damages or losses resulting from incorrect risk assessment. Before each trip, we recommend checking the current situation in the country of destination on the websites of the relevant Ministry of Foreign Affairs.