Trek Zone

Jeddah Light, Jeddah

#16 among attractions in Jeddah

Lighthouse, Vernacular architecture
Jeddah Light

Facts and practical information

Local name: منارة جدة Coordinates: 21°28'7"N, 39°8'59"E

جدة التاريخية بلدية ابلد (ميناء جدة الإسلامي)Jeddah Saudi Arabia

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Day trips

Jeddah Light – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Naseef House, King Saud Mosque, King Fahd’s Fountain, Tomb of Eve.

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  • king saud mosque jeddah4.2 miNE
  • king fahds fountain jeddah3.3 miN
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  • haifaa mall jeddah4.4 miNE
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  • qishla jeddah location map
    2.9 miNE
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  • jeddah municipal museum2.5 miNE
  • jeddah islamic port5.6 miNE
  • the qishla of asfan jeddah2.9 miNE

Where to next? Visit makkah Makkah region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Saudi Arabia.