Facts About Shark chutney
Shark chutney is a cherished traditional dish from the Seychelles, known for its unique and flavorful culinary profile. To prepare this dish, begin with 2 pounds of skinned shark, which should be boiled until tender before being mashed. The mashed shark is then combined with tangy bilimbi juice and fresh lime, giving it a zesty punch.
For seasoning, you'll need finely chopped onion, a pinch of pepper, a touch of salt, and a dash of turmeric to impart a warm, earthy flavor. Start by frying the chopped onion in a bit of oil until it is golden and fragrant. Next, add the mashed shark mixture to the pan and cook it together with the onions.
The result is a rich, savory dish that offers a true taste of the Seychelles. Whether you're sampling it for the first time or it's a familiar favorite, shark chutney is sure to impress with its distinctive flavors and cultural significance.