Facts About Nabak kimchi
Nabak-kimchi is a refreshing, watery type of kimchi, deeply embedded in Korean cuisine, much like its cousin, dongchimi. To prepare nabak-kimchi, begin by thinly slicing Korean radish and napa cabbage into rectangular pieces. These are then salted along with an assortment of other vegetables and spices, including cucumber, scallion, water dropwort, garlic, ginger, red chilies, chili pepper powder, sugar, salt, and water.
Although nabak-kimchi resembles dongchimi in appearance, it is generally enjoyed during the warmer spring and summer months, whereas dongchimi is more commonly associated with winter. A key distinguishing feature of nabak-kimchi is the addition of chili pepper powder, which imparts a distinctive rose-pink hue. Conversely, dongchimi retains its white color.
The name "nabak" derives from the Korean word "nabaknabak" (나박나박), which means to flatten or thinly slice ingredients. This technique is what imparts nabak-kimchi with its unique texture and appearance.