Region Basel-Landschaft
Discover the cities and interesting locations in the region that will enchant you with their rich history, cultural heritage, or picturesque surroundings.
Must-Visit Places and Tourist Attractions
St. Jakob-Park
Watermill Museum Brüglingen Basel
Birseck Castle Arlesheim
St. Arbogast Muttenz
Schaulager Basel
Schloss Ebenrain Sissach
Ruine Altenberg Augusta Raurica
Angenstein Castle Aesch
Aesch Castle Aesch
Reichenstein Castle Arlesheim
Neu-Schauenburg Castle Augusta Raurica
Kunsthaus Baselland Basel
Neu-Homburg Castle Läufelfingen
Augusta Raurica Museum Augst
Cathedral of Arlesheim Arlesheim
Villa Merian Basel
Elektrizitätsmuseum Basel
Binningen Basel
Allschwil Basel
Villa Ehinger Basel