Vatican Holidays 2026
Today in Vatican: Anniversary of the Election of Pope Francis (13 Mar) |
Holidays and Observances in 2026
1Jan | Solemnity of Mary, Mother of GodMaria Santissima Madre di Dio | |
1 January 2026 (Thursday) |
6Jan | EpiphanyEpifania del Signore | |
6 January 2026 (Tuesday) |
11Feb | Lateran Treaty DayAnniversario dei Patti lateranensi | |
11 February 2026 (Wednesday) |
13Mar | Anniversary of the Election of Pope FrancisAnniversario dell'Elezione del Santo Padre | |
13 March 2026 (Friday) |
19Mar | St Joseph's DaySan Giuseppe | |
19 March 2026 (Thursday) |
5Apr | Easter SundayDomenica di Pasqua | |
5 April 2026 (Sunday) |
6Apr | Easter MondayLunedì di Pasqua | |
6 April 2026 (Monday) |
23Apr | Feast of Saint GeorgeOnomastico del Santo Padre | |
23 April 2026 (Thursday) |
1May | Saint Joseph the WorkerSan Giuseppe lavoratore | |
1 May 2026 (Friday) |
29Jun | Feast of St Peter and St PaulSanti Apostoli Pietro e Paolo | |
29 June 2026 (Monday) |
15Aug | Assumption DayAssunzione di Maria | |
15 August 2026 (Saturday) |
1Nov | All Saints' DayOgnissanti | |
1 November 2026 (Sunday) |
8Dec | Immaculate ConceptionImmacolata Concezione | |
8 December 2026 (Tuesday) |
25Dec | Christmas DayNatale | |
25 December 2026 (Friday) |
26Dec | St Stephen's DaySanto Stefano | |
26 December 2026 (Saturday) |