Trek Zone

Pfarrkirche Schwarzach, Sankt Veit im Pongau

#1 among attractions in Sankt Veit im Pongau

Pfarrkirche Schwarzach

Facts and practical information

The list of listed objects in Schwarzach im Pongau contains the 8 listed immovable objects in the municipality of Schwarzach im Pongau.

Coordinates: 47°19'20"N, 13°9'10"E

4 VinzenzstraßeSankt Veit im Pongau Austria

Social media
Day trips

Pfarrkirche Schwarzach – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Friedhofskapelle, Church of St. Veit, War Memorial, Schloss Schernberg.

  • friedhofskapelle sankt veit im pongau~230 ftN
  • church of st veit sankt veit im pongau0.5 miN
  • war memorial sankt veit im pongau~680 ftSW
  • schloss schernberg sankt veit im pongau0.7 miW

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which popular attractions are close to Pfarrkirche Schwarzach?

Nearby attractions include Friedhofskapelle, Sankt Veit im Pongau (2 min walk), War Memorial, Sankt Veit im Pongau (4 min walk), Church of St. Veit, Sankt Veit im Pongau (13 min walk), Schloss Schernberg, Sankt Veit im Pongau (18 min walk).

Where to next? Visit salzburg Salzburg region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Austria.