Rabindra Complex, Abhaynagar Upazila

Facts and practical information
Rabindra Complex is located in Dakkhindihi village, Fultala Union Parishad, Phultala Upazila, 19 km from Khulna city, Bangladesh. It was the residence of Rabindranath Tagore's father-in-law, Beni Madhab Roy Chowdhury. In British India, Fultala Union Parishad was a single village named Fultala village and was under Jessore district of then Khulna Mohakuma. Tagore family had close connection with Dakkhindihi village. The maternal ancestral home of the poet was also situated at Dakkhindihi village, poets mother Sarada Sundari Devi and his paternal aunt by marriage Tripura Sundari Devi; was born in this village. Not only that his grandmother Digambari Devi also was from Dakkhindihi. Young Tagore used to visit Dakkhindihi village with his mother to visit his maternal uncles in her mothers ancestral home. Tagore visited this place several times in his life. It has been declared as a protected archaeological site by Department of Archaeology of Bangladesh and converted into a museum. ()
Abhaynagar Upazila