Trek Zone

Planet Park Pond, Barisal

#4 among attractions in Barisal

Relax in park, Park
Planet Park Pond

Facts and practical information

Planet Park Pond (address: Band Road,Barisal) is a place located in Barisal (Barisal division) and belongs to the category of relax in park, park.

It is situated at an altitude of 36 feet, and its geographical coordinates are 22°41'37"N latitude and 90°22'16"E longitude.

Planning a visit to this place, one can easily and conveniently get there by public transportation. Planet Park Pond is a short distance from the following public transport stations: Truc stand (bus, 4 min walk), Barisal Steemer Terminal (ferry, 11 min walk).

Among other places and attractions worth visiting in the area are: Bell's Park (park, 4 min walk), Barisal Divisional Stadium (sport, 14 min walk), Collectorate Bhaban (archaeological site, 17 min walk).

Elevation: 36 ft a.s.l.Coordinates: 22°41'37"N, 90°22'16"E

Band Road,BarisalBarisal Bangladesh

Social media
Day trips

Planet Park Pond – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Oxford Mission Church, Bell's Park, Collectorate Bhaban, Barisal 30 godown barisala 30 godauna.

  • oxford mission church barisal0.9 miNW
  • bells park barisal~760 ftSW
  • collectorate bhaban barisal0.6 miN
  • barisal 30 godown barisala 30 godauna1.1 miSW
  • barisal divisional stadium location map
    0.5 miS
  • government syed hatem ali college barisal1.2 miNW
  • amrita lal dey college barisal location map
    1.2 miN

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which popular attractions are close to Planet Park Pond?

Nearby attractions include Bell's Park, Barisal (4 min walk), Collectorate Bhaban, Barisal (17 min walk), Oxford Mission Church, Barisal (23 min walk).

How to get to Planet Park Pond by public transport?

The nearest stations to Planet Park Pond:

  • Truc stand (4 min walk)

  • Barisal Steemer Terminal (11 min walk)
  • Barisal Launch Terminal (13 min walk)

Where to next? Visit barisal Barisal region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Bangladesh.