Trek Zone

Gazebo, Mechelen

#26 among attractions in Mechelen

Monuments and statues

Facts and practical information

Gazebo is a place located in Mechelen (Vlaanderen region) and belongs to the category of monuments and statues.

It is situated at an altitude of 13 feet, and its geographical coordinates are 51°2'1"N latitude and 4°28'24"E longitude.

Planning a visit to this place, one can easily and conveniently get there by public transportation. Gazebo is a short distance from the following public transport stations: Mechelen Rode Kruisplein (bus, 2 min walk), Mechelen-Nekkerspoel (train, 20 min walk).

Among other places and attractions worth visiting in the area are: Centjesmuur (city wall, 1 min walk), Begijnhofkerk (church, 4 min walk), Sint-Katelijnekerk (church, 5 min walk).

Coordinates: 51°2'1"N, 4°28'24"E

MechelenMechelen Belgium

Social media
Day trips

Gazebo – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: St. Rumbold's Cathedral, Kazerne Dossin, Royal Carillon School "Jef Denyn", Speelgoedmuseum.

  • st rumbolds cathedral mechelen0.4 miSE
  • kazerne dossin mechelen~1370 ftE
  • royal carillon school jef denyn mechelen location map
    0.6 miSE
  • speelgoedmuseum mechelen location map
    0.8 miE
  • kazerne dossin memorial mechelen~1130 ftE
  • botanical garden of mechelen location map
    0.9 miSE
  • basilica of our lady of hanswijk mechelen0.9 miSE
  • brusselpoort mechelen0.8 miS
  • church of our lady of leliendaal mechelen0.6 miSE
  • grote markt mechelen0.5 miSE
  • sint janskerk mechelen0.4 miSE

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which popular attractions are close to Gazebo?

Nearby attractions include Centjesmuur, Mechelen (1 min walk), Begijnhofkerk, Mechelen (4 min walk), Sint-Katelijnekerk, Mechelen (5 min walk), Kazerne Dossin Memorial, Mechelen (6 min walk).

How to get to Gazebo by public transport?

The nearest stations to Gazebo:

  • Mechelen Rode Kruisplein • Lines: 9 (2 min walk)
  • Mechelen Nokerstraat • Lines: 500, 508 (2 min walk)

  • Mechelen-Nekkerspoel (20 min walk)
  • Mechelen (31 min walk)

Where to next? Visit vlaanderen Vlaanderen region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Belgium.