Trek Zone

Château de Rougemont, Profondeville

#1 among attractions in Profondeville

Château de Rougemont

Facts and practical information

The castle of Rougemont is located in Profondeville in Belgium. It overlooks the golf course of the same name with a view on the Meuse valley. This small castle typical of Namur dating from the early twentieth century houses its clubhouse.

Coordinates: 50°23'9"N, 4°51'60"E

Profondeville Belgium

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Day trips

Château de Rougemont – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Citadelle de Namur, Annevoie Castle, Crupet Castle, Musée Félicien Rops.

  • citadelle de namur5.1 miN
  • annevoie castle namur3 miS
  • crupet castle4.8 miSE
  • musee felicien rops namur5.3 miN
  • meuse citadels namur5.2 miN
  • fort de malonne namur4.8 miNW
  • fort de saint heribert namur2.3 miNW
  • fort dandoy5.1 miNE
  • fort de dave namur2.7 miN
  • fortified position of namur location map
    4.8 miNW
  • dave castle2 miNE

Where to next? Visit wallonie Wallonie region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Belgium.