Trek Zone

Parque Municipal do Mindú, Manaus

#18 among attractions in Manaus

Relax in park, Park
Parque Municipal do Mindú

Facts and practical information

Parque Municipal do Mindú (address: Bairro Parque 10) is a place located in Manaus (Amazonas state) and belongs to the category of relax in park, park.

It is situated at an altitude of 135 feet, and its geographical coordinates are 3°4'52"S latitude and 60°0'14"W longitude.

Planning a visit to this place, one can easily and conveniently get there by public transportation. Parque Municipal do Mindú is a short distance from the following public transport stations: 2 opção para chegar na Nilton lins (bus, 32 min walk).

Among other places and attractions worth visiting in the area are: V8 Center (shopping, 22 min walk), Adrianópolis (neighbourhood, 38 min walk), Bosque da Ciência (zoo, 41 min walk).

Elevation: 135 ft a.s.l.Coordinates: 3°4'52"S, 60°0'14"W

Bairro Parque 10Zona Centro-Sul (Parque 10 de Novembro)Manaus Brazil

Social media
Day trips

Parque Municipal do Mindú – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Amazon Theatre, Mercado Municipal Adolpho Lisboa, Arena da Amazônia, Palácio Rio Negro.

  • amazon theatre manaus3.6 miS
  • mercado municipal adolpho lisboa manaus4.3 miS
  • arena da amazonia manaus1.7 miW
  • palacio rio negro manaus3.8 miS
  • monument abertura dos portos manaus3.6 miS
  • metropolitan cathedral of our lady of the conception manaus4 miS
  • zoologico do cigs manaus3.1 miSW
  • palacete provincial manaus3.9 miS
  • museu amazonico manaus3.5 miS
  • sumauma state park3.5 miNE
  • bosque da ciencia manaus1.6 miSE

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to get to Parque Municipal do Mindú by public transport?

The nearest stations to Parque Municipal do Mindú:

  • 2 opção para chegar na Nilton lins (32 min walk)

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