Best Places to Visit Near São João del-Rei
Visit some of the best attractions in the vicinity of São João del-Rei with hundreds to choose from to make your perfect day out or weekend break away. Browse the below list featuring some of the best destinations (such as Tiradentes, Lavras, Barbacena) or select map view to search geographically.
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Cities and Localities Near São João del-Rei
Where to go for a weekend trip near São João del-Rei? A list of surrounding cities, towns and villages nearby or close to the suburbs of São João del-Rei within a 50 mile radius.
5.7 miE
48 milesW
32 milesE
11 milesNE
TOP Attractions
Best Day Trips from São João del-Rei
Attractions Best Day Trips from São João del-Rei
32 milesEBasilica of St. Joseph the Worker
Barbacena, Brazil
5.4 miEChurch of Saint Anthony Tiradentes, Brazil
5.6 miEYves Alves Cultural Center Tiradentes, Brazil
46 milesSEIbitipoca State Park Brazil
5.5 miEPadre Toledo Tiradentes, Brazil
43 milesSEMuseu de Cabangu Brazil
5.5 miESérgio Ramos Atelier e Galeria de Arte Tiradentes, Brazil
9.4 miEBichinho Historic Center Prados, Brazil
47 milesWBiblioteca Central da UFLA Lavras, Brazil
35 milesSWCarrancas Brazil
48 milesNWOliveira Brazil
34 milesNEntre Rios de Minas Brazil
19 milesEBarroso Brazil
40 milesNESão Brás do Suaçuí Brazil
47 milesNWCarmópolis de Minas Brazil
14 milesNResende Costa Brazil
19 milesNELagoa Dourada Brazil
33 milesECarandaí Brazil
42 milesSAndrelândia Brazil
36 milesNECristiano Otoni Brazil