Facts About Camponotus gigas
The genus *Dinomyrmex* includes a single species, *Dinomyrmex gigas*, commonly known as the giant forest ant. Native to the forests of Southeast Asia, these ants are among the largest in the world. Regular workers measure about 20.9 mm, while the larger soldiers can reach up to 28.1 mm.
Their diet is quite varied, consisting of honeydew, insects, and bird droppings. *Dinomyrmex gigas* is renowned for its impressive foraging skills, effective communication, and sophisticated recruitment strategies. One fascinating aspect of their behavior is the ritual battles they engage in at night, which can continue for months.
A typical colony consists of around 7,000 workers, divided into two types, including larger, significantly heavier workers. While these ants primarily forage at night, some workers are also active during the day.
*Dinomyrmex gigas* can be found throughout the rainforests of Southeast Asia, including Sumatra, Singapore, Malaysia, Borneo, and Thailand.