Region Norte de Santander
Discover the cities and interesting locations in the region that will enchant you with their rich history, cultural heritage, or picturesque surroundings.
Must-Visit Places and Tourist Attractions
Cathedral of Cúcuta
Santander Park Cúcuta
St. Anne's Cathedral Ocaña
Historic church of Cúcuta Cúcuta
Park of the Greater Colombia Cúcuta
Casa Natal del General Santander Cúcuta
Los Estoraques Los Estoraques Unique Natural Area
parque Agueda gallardo Pamplona
Casa Colonial de Pamplona Pamplona
Casa natal Gral Santander Cúcuta
Francisco de Paula Santander University Cúcuta
iglesia Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria. Sevilla Cúcuta