Trek Zone

Country Facts:
Germany vs. New Caledonia

Learn about the similarities and differences between Germany and New Caledonia by reviewing data on key indicators such as population, economy, energy, religion, language and many other relevant factors.

Country #1
Country #2


Germany vs. New Caledonia - comparison of geographical features.

Country area

The surface area of Germany is 137 882 mi², while the surface area of New Caledonia is 7 172 mi². This means that the area of Germany is 1823% larger.

Statistics: Countries of the World Compared by Area
137 882 mi²
7 172 mi²

Coastline length

Germany has a coastline of 1 484.5 mi, while New Caledonia has a coastline of 1 400.6 mi.

1 484.5 mi
1 400.6 mi

Largest city

The largest city in Germany is Berlin, with a population of about 3 562 170 people. In contrast, the largest city in New Caledonia is Nouméa, where the population is 100 237.

3 562 170 ppl
100 237 ppl

Highest peak

The highest peak in Germany is Zugspitze, its height is 9 718 ft. The highest peak in New Caledonia is Mont Panié, which rises to a height of 5 341 ft.

9 718 ft
5 341 ft
Mont Panié

Highest recorded temperature

Gärmersdorf bei Amberg / Karlsruhe / March / Freiburg

Lowest recorded temperature

Funtensee, Berchtesgadener Land, Bavaria


Germany vs. New Caledonia - comparison of aspects of social life.


The population of Germany is about 83 783 942, while New Caledonia is home to 285 498 people.

Statistics: World Population by Country
83 783 942 ppl
285 498 ppl

Life expectancy

Life expectancy is 81.3 years in Germany and 78.6 years in New Caledonia.

81.3 years
78.6 years

Average age

The average age is 47.8 years in Germany and 32.9 years in New Caledonia.

47.8 years
32.9 years


The birth rate is -0.21% in Germany and 1.22% in New Caledonia.



Literacy is 99.0% in Germany and 96.9% in New Caledonia.



In Germany, the main language is German, and in New Caledonia the primary language is French.



In Germany, the main religion is Christianity; in New Caledonia, the main religion is Christianity.



Foreign tourists in 2015

34 970 000 ppl
Ranking: 41/179
114 000 ppl
Ranking: 116/179


GDP per capita

54 264 Int$
Ranking: 45/194


Germany: Euro (EUR). New Caledonia: CFP Franc (XPF).

Tools: Currency Calculator
CFP Franc

Practical information


Electricity in Germany: frequency and voltage are 230V 50 Hz (plug type: C, F). Electricity in New Caledonia: frequency and voltage are 220V 50 Hz (plug type: C, F).

230V 50 Hz
Plug type: C, F
220V 50 Hz
Plug type: C, F

Driving side

Germany has right-hand traffic, New Caledonia has right-hand traffic.

right-hand traffic
right-hand traffic

Useful when traveling


Best months to visit

The best months in terms of weather are: Germany - May, June, July, August; New Caledonia - September, October, November, December.

Traveler's essential: Tourist Season Around the World

Safety level

Scale from 1 (safe) to 4 (unsafe)
Traveler's essential: Travel Safety Map
Exercise a high degree of caution
Level 2
Exercise normal safety precautions
Level 1

Visa requirements

For citizens of Spain (Settings → Your Country)
Traveler's essential: With or Without a Visa?
Visa not required
A visa is not required.
No data

Expected daily budget for 1 person

B - backpacker's budget 1
T - tourist's budget 3
B73 EUR - 90 EUR
T121 EUR - 155 EUR
B81 EUR - 91 EUR
T118 EUR - 144 EUR

Countries Frequently Compared
(Country Facts)