Trek Zone

World Population by Country

How is the world population growing? The largest and smallest countries in the world in terms of population. See population map and other world population comparisons.

The most populous countries

#1country shapeChina1.44 bil.
#2country shapeIndia1.38 bil.
#3country shapeUnited States331.00 mil.
#4country shapeIndonesia273.52 mil.
#5country shapePakistan220.89 mil.
#6country shapeBrazil212.56 mil.
#7country shapeNigeria206.14 mil.

How many people are in the world?

7.78 bil.

Approximate value based on the population of 231 countries and dependent territories.

Historical world population

Estimated by the UN's Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Population by gender


The most populous country by region

AsiaChina1.44 bil.
N. AmericaUnited States331.00 mil.
S. AmericaBrazil212.56 mil.
AfricaNigeria206.14 mil.
Middle EastIran83.99 mil.
EuropeGermany83.78 mil.
Australia-OceaniaAustralia25.50 mil.
CaribbeanHaiti11.40 mil.
Polar regionsGreenland56.8 thous.

Future population growth

Estimated world population in billions for 2025 - 2095. Based on data from the UN's Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

Population by region

continent shapeAsia4.52 bil.58.04%
continent shapeAfrica1.34 bil.17.23%
continent shapeEurope604.49 mil.7.77%
continent shapeN. America497.68 mil.6.40%
continent shapeS. America481.50 mil.6.19%
continent shapeMiddle East255.89 mil.3.29%
continent shapeOthers (3)85.43 mil.1.1%

World population map

Small countries

All Countries and Territories

1Flag of ChinaChina1.44 bil.
2Flag of IndiaIndia1.38 bil.
3Flag of United StatesUnited States331.00 mil.
4Flag of IndonesiaIndonesia273.52 mil.
5Flag of PakistanPakistan220.89 mil.
6Flag of BrazilBrazil212.56 mil.
7Flag of NigeriaNigeria206.14 mil.
8Flag of BangladeshBangladesh164.69 mil.
9Flag of RussiaRussia145.93 mil.
10Flag of MexicoMexico128.93 mil.
11Flag of JapanJapan126.48 mil.
12Flag of EthiopiaEthiopia114.96 mil.
13Flag of PhilippinesPhilippines109.58 mil.
14Flag of EgyptEgypt102.33 mil.
15Flag of VietnamVietnam97.34 mil.
16Flag of Democratic Republic of the CongoDemocratic Republic of the Congo89.56 mil.
17Flag of TurkeyTurkey84.34 mil.
18Flag of IranIran83.99 mil.
19Flag of GermanyGermany83.78 mil.
20Flag of ThailandThailand69.80 mil.
21Flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom67.89 mil.
22Flag of FranceFrance65.27 mil.
23Flag of ItalyItaly60.46 mil.
24Flag of TanzaniaTanzania59.73 mil.
25Flag of South AfricaSouth Africa59.31 mil.
26Flag of Myanmar (Burma)Myanmar (Burma)54.41 mil.
27Flag of KenyaKenya53.77 mil.
28Flag of South KoreaSouth Korea51.27 mil.
29Flag of ColombiaColombia50.88 mil.
30Flag of SpainSpain46.75 mil.
31Flag of UgandaUganda45.74 mil.
32Flag of ArgentinaArgentina45.20 mil.
33Flag of AlgeriaAlgeria43.85 mil.
34Flag of SudanSudan43.85 mil.
35Flag of UkraineUkraine43.73 mil.
36Flag of IraqIraq40.22 mil.
37Flag of AfghanistanAfghanistan38.93 mil.
38Flag of PolandPoland37.85 mil.
39Flag of CanadaCanada37.74 mil.
40Flag of MoroccoMorocco36.91 mil.
41Flag of Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia34.81 mil.
42Flag of UzbekistanUzbekistan33.47 mil.
43Flag of PeruPeru32.97 mil.
44Flag of AngolaAngola32.87 mil.
45Flag of MalaysiaMalaysia32.37 mil.
46Flag of MozambiqueMozambique31.26 mil.
47Flag of GhanaGhana31.07 mil.
48Flag of YemenYemen29.83 mil.
49Flag of NepalNepal29.14 mil.
50Flag of VenezuelaVenezuela28.44 mil.
Show all (231)

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