Region Jihomoravský
Discover the cities and interesting locations in the region that will enchant you with their rich history, cultural heritage, or picturesque surroundings.
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Must-Visit Places and Tourist Attractions
Restored 1929 modernist house and gardensŠpilberk Castle
13th-century castle and city museumVýpustek Cave
Zámek Mikulov Mikulov
Veveří Castle Brno
13th-century castle with restored roomsCathedral of St. Peter and Paul
Cathedral dating from the 13th-centurySlavkov Castle
Slavkov u Brna
Dolní Věstonice Pálava Protected Landscape Area
Děvín Pálava Protected Landscape Area
Znojmo Rotunda Znojmo
Church of St. James Brno
Historic Catholic church and ossuaryKůlna Cave
Brno Zoo Brno
Minaret Lednice
Vyškov Zoo Vyškov
Janáčkovo divadlo Brno
Mendel Museum of Masaryk University Brno
Capuchin Crypt in Brno Brno
Hodonín Zoo Hodonín
J. A. Komenského Brno