Trek Zone

Boyoma Falls, Kisangani

#1 among attractions in Kisangani

Nature, Natural attraction, Top attraction, Waterfall
Boyoma Falls

Facts and practical information

Local name: Chutes Boyoma Average width: 4500 ftHeight: 200 ftCoordinates: 0°29'34"N, 25°12'29"E

Kisangani Democratic Republic of the Congo

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Day trips

Boyoma Falls – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: University of Kisangani, Stade Lumumba, FlyCongo, Espace NGOMA.

  • university of kisangani location map
    2.6 miNW
  • stade lumumba kisangani2.5 miNW
  • flycongo kisangani location map
    1.5 miNW
  • espace ngoma kisangani location map
    2.2 miNW

Where to next? Visit tshopo Tshopo region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Democratic Republic of the Congo.