Best Places to Visit Near Ambato
Visit some of the best attractions in the vicinity of Ambato with hundreds to choose from to make your perfect day out or weekend break away. Browse the below list featuring some of the best destinations (such as Sangay National Park, Baños, Riobamba) or select map view to search geographically.
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Cities and Localities Near Ambato
Where to go for a weekend trip near Ambato? A list of surrounding cities, towns and villages nearby or close to the suburbs of Ambato within a 50 mile radius.
46 milesSE
Sangay National ParkUnesco, National park
18 milesSE
30 milesS
42 milesN
Cotopaxi National ParkNational park
21 milesN
32 milesNW
Laguna QuilotoaLocality
45 milesN
TOP Attractions
Best Day Trips from Ambato
Attractions Best Day Trips from Ambato
20 milesSW Chimborazo El Altar
Scenic hiking up an inactive volcano20 milesSETungurahua
Baños, Ecuador
40 milesNIlliniza Ecuador
14 milesSWCarihuairazo Ecuador
34 milesSEEl Altar Sangay National Park, Ecuador
20 milesSWHike Chimborazo Ecuador
47 milesEOur Lady of the Rosary Cathedral Ecuador
25 milesSEAgoyán Baños, Ecuador
43 milesNRumiñahui Cotopaxi National Park, Ecuador
49 milesNCorazón Volcano Ecuador
40 milesNIliniza Sur Ecuador
30 milesSMuseo de Arte Religioso Riobamba, Ecuador
46 milesNRumiñahui Cotopaxi, Ecuador
33 milesNWQuilotoa Laguna Quilotoa, Ecuador
20 milesSWCordillera Occidental Ecuador
42 milesSWSan Miguel Ecuador
35 milesSWGuaranda Ecuador
14 milesNSalcedo Ecuador
28 milesELlanganates National Park Ecuador
27 milesNWZumbahua Ecuador
33 milesSESangay National Park, Ecuador
Stunning volcano for climbing and hiking24 milesSGuano
48 milesSGuamote Ecuador
30 milesSPlaza Roja Riobamba, Ecuador
20 milesNPujilí Ecuador
8.5 miSEPelileo Ecuador
29 milesSWSalinas de Guaranda Ecuador