Best Places to Visit Near Riobamba
Visit some of the best attractions in the vicinity of Riobamba with hundreds to choose from to make your perfect day out or weekend break away. Browse the below list featuring some of the best destinations (such as Sangay National Park, Baños, Ambato) or select map view to search geographically.
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- 25 miles
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Cities and Localities Near Riobamba
Where to go for a weekend trip near Riobamba? A list of surrounding cities, towns and villages nearby or close to the suburbs of Riobamba within a 50 mile radius.
25 milesSE
Sangay National ParkUnesco, National park
25 milesNE
30 milesN
TOP Attractions
Best Day Trips from Riobamba
Attractions Best Day Trips from Riobamba
18 milesNW Chimborazo El Altar
Scenic hiking up an inactive volcano20 milesNETungurahua
Baños, Ecuador
30 milesNCathedral Basilica of Our Lady of the Elevation Ambato, Ecuador
32 milesSESangay Sangay National Park, Ecuador
19 milesNCarihuairazo Ecuador
16 milesEEl Altar Sangay National Park, Ecuador
31 milesNLa Liria Ambato, Ecuador
18 milesNWHike Chimborazo Ecuador
47 milesEOur Lady of the Rosary Cathedral Ecuador
31 milesNMartínez-Holguín House Museum Ambato, Ecuador
30 milesNEAgoyán Baños, Ecuador
30 milesNCasa de Montalvo Ambato, Ecuador
30 milesNColegio Nacional "Bolívar" Ambato, Ecuador
30 milesNParque Cevallos Ambato, Ecuador
18 milesNWCordillera Occidental Ecuador
26 milesWSan Miguel Ecuador
25 milesWGuaranda Ecuador
43 milesNSalcedo Ecuador
39 milesSAlausi Ecuador
47 milesNELlanganates National Park Ecuador
29 milesNParque Luis A. Martínez Ambato, Ecuador
17 milesESangay National Park, Ecuador
Stunning volcano for climbing and hiking6 miNGuano
19 milesSGuamote Ecuador
49 milesNPujilí Ecuador
25 milesNPelileo Ecuador
31 milesNWSalinas de Guaranda Ecuador