Facts About Praetorians Relief
The Praetorians Relief is a magnificent Roman marble artwork from around 51-52 AD, currently on display at the Louvre-Lens. This relief depicts three soldiers in the foreground, with two more and a standard-bearer holding an aquila standard in the background. Their elaborate attire, including helmets, ceremonial dress, and oval shields, identifies them as Praetorian Guards.
Originally believed to date from the early 2nd century AD, the relief's true age was confirmed during a restoration in 2006. It originally adorned the Arch of Claudius, constructed in 51 AD to commemorate the conquest of Britain. The relief has a documented history dating back to at least the 16th century, with the head of the standard-bearer illustrated in an album from 1577. Once owned by the Mattei family, the piece was acquired by the French in 1824.