Trek Zone

Demeure de Corsaire - Hôtel Magon, Saint-Malo

#9 among attractions in Saint-Malo

Historical place, Museum
Demeure de Corsaire - Hôtel Magon

Facts and practical information

Demeure de Corsaire - Hôtel Magon (address: 5 rue d Asfeld) is a place located in Saint-Malo (Brittany region) and belongs to the category of historical place, museum.

It is situated at an altitude of 39 feet, and its geographical coordinates are 48°38'49"N latitude and 2°1'27"W longitude.

Planning a visit to this place, one can easily and conveniently get there by public transportation. Demeure de Corsaire - Hôtel Magon is a short distance from the following public transport stations: Porte de Dinan (bus, 3 min walk), Saint-Malo (train, 24 min walk).

Among other places and attractions worth visiting in the area are: Le Monde du Coquillage (specialty museum, 2 min walk), Saint-Malo Cathedral (sacred and religious sites, 5 min walk), Fort National (historical place, 14 min walk).

Coordinates: 48°38'49"N, 2°1'27"W

5 rue d AsfeldSaint-Malo 35400 France

+33 2 99 56 09 40
Social media
Day trips

Demeure de Corsaire - Hôtel Magon – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Saint-Malo Cathedral, Fort National, Tour Solidor, Musée international du Long-Cours Cap-Hornier.

  • saint malo cathedral~980 ftN
  • fort national saint malo0.5 miN
  • tour solidor saint malo0.9 miS
  • musee international du long cours cap hornier saint malo0.9 miS
  • le monde du coquillage saint malo~360 ftW
  • petit be saint malo0.8 miNW
  • grand be saint malo0.6 miNW
  • tombeau de francois rene de chateaubriand saint malo0.6 miNW
  • pole culturel la grande passerelle saint malo0.8 miE

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which popular attractions are close to Demeure de Corsaire - Hôtel Magon?

Nearby attractions include Le Monde du Coquillage, Saint-Malo (2 min walk), Saint-Malo Cathedral, Saint-Malo (5 min walk), Fort National, Saint-Malo (14 min walk), Grand Bé, Saint-Malo (15 min walk).

How to get to Demeure de Corsaire - Hôtel Magon by public transport?

The nearest stations to Demeure de Corsaire - Hôtel Magon:

  • Porte de Dinan • Lines: 772, 8, N701 (3 min walk)
  • Intra-Muros • Lines: 1, 2, 2 Ex, 6, 8, 9 Été (9 min walk)

  • Saint-Malo (24 min walk)

Where to next? Visit brittany Brittany region page or discover the top tourist attractions in France.